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Hello Marie

How are you doing we're more or less the same way with the streets in Canada everything is pretty much at a standstill at some point except some stores are starting to open up and some are still closed depending on the owner and stuff today was Election Day in Canada I didn't vote but many people have voted and I hope that the results become positive in the election but that's beside the point. My email is still working as I'm talking to you now. Today I was able to go to the dollar store that was open it was it's called Dollarama in Canada as it's called and I was able to get a really cool I am a fake plant in a light bulb. It was very interesting and I have it up in my room. I'll show you pictures of it how was your day going. Sorry for the delay as well. I have been busy. We're just starting to inoculate the children or vaccinate the children for them but we don't know about the younger younger kids if they will take it.

I have been to Cayo Coco Varadero and Holguin as we're as Santiago where you live. I've been everywhere except for Havana I've heard there's been some problems going on there supposedly from a friend. Hope to hear from you soon


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