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Hello Loria how are you doing today?

I'm doing well thank you but I had a mood swing today as well from me an incident. But other than that I'm doing well I actually went to the Dollar Store the local dollar store in my town or the town near my town called Dollarama and was able to actually get a very interesting item. A light bulb with a plant in it which is very interesting. I'm hoping to send you pictures of it cuz this is something you cannot believe unless he actually see it. Of course the plan is fake but it looks so real I just love it. And I also one for coffee today I called coffee because I cannot handle the hot stuff, besides the cold coffees have more flavour to them anyways. And I'm reading a book on palmistry which is like reading palms and Knuckles can you believe that you can actually read knuckles as well as Palms.  I'm discharging I'm going to work on my anger particular my mood swings caused by pdsd because they have caused a lot of damage between my mother and I and I'm getting sick and tired of the drama.

Hope to hear from you soon tomorrow will be better


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