Chapter 1

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"Elsie you better be good love okay? Don't want the teachers hating you on the first day of school." Mother says as she fixes my school collar. "Why isn't Richie coming?" I ask. "He has a doctor's appointment dear. Come on, you'll be late."

I pick up my bag and say goodbye. "Bye mummy, bye Richie!" I wave and they both wave back.


I arrive at school and it is the first official day of year 1. It was exciting for me as I finally get to learn some new things. Plus it's a brand new teacher that doesn't know how much of a pain I am. I skip into the building and pull out my bottle of water.

I have a drink and pretend to spill it on the floor by accident. I giggle and run away. "Hey you need to clean that up." I hear a boy say. I turn around. "You're not in charge. You're too small." I say. "I'm bigger than you." He smirks proudly. I tut. "yeah but you're not a teacher." I smile back.

"So you listen to them? I'll go get one then." He goes to turn around but I stop him. "I don't listen to them either." I say. "Don't you get in trouble though?" He tilts his head. "Yeah but that's the whole point. It's fun."

"Elsie Starkey!" I hear the principal say from behind us. I spin around and smile sweetly. "Yes sir?"

"I take it you did this?" He asks me while tapping his foot and gesturing to the puddle of water on the floor. "No sir I didn't, you can even ask him." I point at the boy behind me.

"Did she do this George?" He asks him. "Uhhh, no sir, she didn't." George was visibly shaking with nerves. "You are lucky this time miss Starkey." The principal tuts and strolls away.

"You didn't have to do that, I can handle myself George."

"You owe me now." He smiles and walks away.


"How was school Elsie? Did you behave?" Mother asks me as I walk through the front door. "Mum, it's Ell, when does she ever behave." Richie says as he tunes his guitar. "You're the one to talk Richie, what band are you in? Isn't it named after a storm?" I giggle. "The hurricanes to be more specific." He smiles.

"I have homework by the way." I give Ringo my puppy eyes. He sighs. "Alright, come on then." He puts down his guitar and we both head up to my bedroom. "What homework is it?" He asks as he plonks himself down on my bed. "English."

"Ah I'm no good at English." He groans and falls back. "I met a boy today." I say suddenly. I didn't even mean to say it. Ringo sat up and shot me a look. "Is my baby sister thinking about relationships already?" He smiles and nudges me. "No I'm 6 idiot. And you can't be, you're only 10."

"I need you kids to pop down to the shop to get some food! List and money is on the table!" Mother shouts from downstairs. "Ye can tell me about him on the way to the shop." Ringo gets up and walks out of the room and I follow.

"So who's this kid then?" Ringo asks as we leave the house. "Don't know, the principal told me that he's called George." I say. "You asked the principal?" Ringo asks. I smile. "Ell what did you do now? Mum told you to be good."

"I only split water on the floor! Don't get angry with me." I look down. "How can I possibly get angry at you?"

I don't answer. "Elsie what did you do?" He stops and turns to look at me, lifting my head up. "I broke one of your guitar strings last night. I'm sorry!" I begin to tear up.

"You should have told me, I thought there was one missing." He laughs. "I'll have to ask Rory for one, don't have any money for more. Now come on, before the shop closes."


It was the next week and I hadn't seen George since the first day of school. I was sat on a bench in the playground doodling when someone approached me. "What ye doing?" The thick Scouse accent says. I look up to see it's George. "Drawing." I close my book and put it in my bag. "Can I see?" He asks. I shoot him a look and shake my head.

"How old are you?" I ask. "7, I'm the year above you." He smiles. "When's your birthday?" I question. "February 25th 1943, what 'bout you?" He smiles. "March 20th 1944." I smile back.

"Do ye want to come over to mine after school?" He asks me. "No I ain't going to no strangers 'ouse." I snap. "You can get to know me. I like you Elsie." He smiles. "How'd ye know me name?" I ask. "The principal said it last week remember?" He laughs. "Oh yeah, alright then, let's go." I stand up and pick up my bag. "What now? It's the middle of the day! We have to be here for our lessons." George says. "So? You really want to be here for lessons? Suit yourself I'm going." I walk away smiling. "No wait!" I hear loud footsteps as he runs to catch up with me. "We can't go to mine then, me mum won't be happy." He pants. "Well then we go to mine, my stepfather won't mind, he likes me." I smile and walk over to the fence, moving a panel out of the way. "Come on." I say as George climbs through and I follow behind.

"So you do this a lot then?" George asks as we walk down the street. "Yeah, sometimes when I'm bored, or unwell I go home, or to escape from the principal when I have done something. It's like I was never there." I wave my hands like its some magic trick.

"Oi, look at this, you lost little guys?" A boy older than us says, obviously skipping school aswell. "No, are you?" I sound confident. "Oooo this little one is snappy, what are ye? 3?" His friends all laugh. "I'm 6 actually, what are ye, 86?" George giggles. The boy glared at me. "10 actually." "Aren't you that one that lives in Menlove and causes trouble?" I smile. "Listen missy, if ye tell my aunt I will hunt ye down." He points a finger at me. "Not the sort of thing to say to a 6 year old, should tell your mum I should. Where does she live again?" I smile sweetly. "You are lucky that you are a toddler." He growls and they all walk away.

"Elsie that was mean!" George says as we continue walking. "He was mean first."


"Is this where ye live then?" George says looking around at the poorly developed area. "What do ye live in a palace then? Prince George?" I laugh. I open the front door. "I'm home!" I shout. There was no answer. "I don't think we are allowed to be home alone." George says. "George grow up, you're old than me, you can look after me!" I smile and run up the stairs.

George follows me into the bedroom and spots my flute. "You play?" He points to it. "I'm getting lessons, my mum doesn't like spending money on it, but I love it so it's worth it. Do you play?" I ask. "Yeah I play guitar." He wonders around my room. "Oh my brother plays guitar, I think he isn't that good, he's better at the drums." I then immitate him playing the drums.

"My brother is in a band." I smile proudly. "I want to be in a band some day, and become famous and have loads of money." George says, sitting down next to me. "We all want that." I laugh. "He's in a band called Rory storm and the hurricanes."

"That's such a cool name." George says.

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