Chapter 18

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"Right I'll send that telegram off John thank you." Brian puts the paper in an envelope. "Now, Elsie." He turns to face me.

"You think I'm apologising to her?" I ask. "Umm, yes." Brian replies. I sit back in my seat and laugh. "What's so funny?" Brian asks, genuinely confused. John sighs. "She's not gonna apologise Mr Epstein."

Brian sighs. "Fine, you can go."

"Oh? That was easy." I giggle and leave the room. "Why can't you just apologise? I apologised." John says as we get outside. "Because she needs to apologise to me, thinking I'll take Paul from her.... Y'know what? I will, she wants it? I'll do it." I say and storm off.


"Ay dad, listen to this would ya?" Paul and John walk into the living room where Jim and I were watching the telly.

They played She Loves You to us as we both sat and listened. "That's very nice, son, but there's enough of these Americanisms around. Couldn't you sing "she loves you. Yes! Yes! Yes!"" Jim tries to explain and Paul collapses onto the chair. "No, Dad, you don't quite get it!" Paul says.

I sit up. "Mr McCartney, the song doesn't sound as good when it's "yes" and not "yeah". Y'see? The boys are trying to get famous in America, and over there, they don't go and visit Linda down the road for some tea and say "toodle pip!" When they say goodbye do they? We gotta use "yeah yeah yeah" in the song to fit their language." I explain and Jim just sits there stunned. "Well.... If that's what you want son, then go ahead." Jim turns to him. "Thanks dad"

"Well." John hits his knees and stands up. "The wife calls."

"Oh oh oh!" I stand up. "Elsie no, we feed you enough, go scrounging for food at your house." John says. "But Ritch is out with Mo, and it's just mother and Harry..." I pout. "Don't ye have a fiancé?" Jim asks. "Yeah but..."

"I'll call him!" Paul jumps up and skips over to the phone. "I wanna go outttttt." I moan. "Get drunkkkk." I smile. Paul returns. "George is awake and ready to go. He said to meet you at the pub down the road." Paul sits back down. "Alrighttt." I groan and get up and leave.

George was late to the pub and by the time he got there I was already drunk. "God, I'm so sorry darling, my mother wanted me to help her with something." He sits next to me. "Ohhh pal, it's alright!" I smile. "You had drinks without me?" He frowns. "Yeahhh, he kept asking me." I point to the bartender. 

After a few drinks George was a bit tipsy. "George, you're greattt." I slur. "Nahhh, Ells-bells, you are the bestest."

"That ain't even a wordddd." I laugh, and fall off my barstool. "Shit are you okay?" George jumps up to help me up. "Me? I'm fineee." I giggle.

George and I had more drinks. "I thinkkkk I ssshould make a toast." I stand up and climb onto the bar. "Ohhhh no you don't!" The bartender grabs me. "You two, out." He shoos us away. Once outside I stop. "I know what to do!" I shout. I grab his hand and run down the street.

"Hmmmm." I hum as I look at the windows. "What ya thinking Ellsss?" George stumbles into me, after tripping over a stone. I touch the side of the house and get some grip. "We climbbb." I smile and begin to climb up to the window. "Oooooo funnn!" George squeals like a girl and follows me up. I open the window and fall in, my bum hitting the floor. "Ouch!" I squeak. And George falls on top of me. "Sorrryy!" He whispers. "Hmm it's dark, w-wheress your facee?" I ask touching him. "Here." He whispers. "Oh well that don't help." I say and continue looking for his face. "Hehe I founddd ittt!" I say a little too loud. He giggles but I quieten him with a kiss. "Ohhhhh me likeyy." I feel him smile and I let us fall over, with me on top. "Mmm sexy Mr Harrison." I say in a seductive voice.

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