Chapter 6

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"Come on it has to be cleaned up." Herr says. "But sir, this is our pet, it looks like a hedgehog." John says as we all look at the pile of vomit with cigarette butts sticking out of it, and now mushrooms were beginning to grow. "It's vomit, needs to be cleaned."  Herr grabs a shovel and shovels it up. He leaves the room and we all follow in a line, like a funeral procession. I grab my flute and begin to play the funeral march as we walk down the stairs, and watch Herr throw it away.


We were all in the Kaiser Keller, the boys playing on stage and I was sat at the table with Klaus, Jürgen and Astrid. Out of the corner of my eye I spot two officers. "Shit, the curfew!" I whisper. "Just act normal." Astrid said. The officers move through the crowd and to Herr, to which he points to the lads on stage. "Oh no..." I say.

The officers stop the boys. "IDs please gentleman." One of them say. The boys all fumble for their IDs and George freezes. "Sir, your ID please." The officer holds out his hand to George. "How old are you boy?" He asks.

"Fuck it." I say and fall under the table. "I'm 17 sir." George says. "I'm afraid you will have to come with me to station." He says and grabs George's arm. The rest of the boys start protesting. I look over to see Herr smirking. "What a git." I say. "You can come up now, they are gone." Klaus says and I climb back up.

We all leave the club. "Fuckin' typical." John says as he kicks a can on the floor. "We have to go and see 'im." Paul says. "You're right." John sighs. "Wait I canny go." I point out. "Oh you'll be fine, I doubt they will ask for yer age." Pete says.


"I'm being fuckin' deported!" George flings his arms up as he walks out of the station. "Deported?" I say and snatch the paper from his hands. "They've got to be fibbing." I scrunch up the paper. "Well what do we do now?" Paul asks. "Well I'm going home. I'm done here anyway." George sighs.


A few days after George has left Herr kicks us out. "You will be out tonight, do you hear me?" He says. We all drag our feet out of the club and head down the street. "You two can stay here and we'll go." Paul says. John and I nod and the rest of the lads go back to the Bambi kino to pack our stuff or lack thereof.

"Not going to lie, I can't wait to get home." John sighs as he sits down on the steps. "Nothing beats the cold and dull weather of Liddypool." I laugh and sit next to him. "I'm so glad ye came, it's been so much more fun with ye." He smiles sweetly. "It's been fun, a nice break from me mother and Mimi breathing down me neck." I say. "For once ye have it worse than me, I'll let ye win that one." He laughs.

"RUN!" John and I both look up to see the lads running towards us. "Shite." We both get up and start running. They all overtake me. "Guys wait!!" I shout but it's drowned out by the sound of sirens. A police car pulls up next to us and the boys stop running.

"Ah shite." Pete says bending over to catch his breath. "You need to come with us to station." One of the officers says. "I didn't do shit." I shrug.

We arrive at the station and I was separated from the lads. "Do you have ID?" The officer asks. "Do you have ID?" I ask. "I don't need to show ID, I need your ID."

"But what if I don't feel like showing you? The photo is pretty bad, kind of embarrassing."

"Please. Just show me your ID."

"Hold on a second then love." I smile and begin to search my pockets. "Ah damn, I left it somewhere, sorry, better be off then."

"No, I search you. Stand up."

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