Chapter 21

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"Smile Elly-belly." John smiles cheekily and holds a camera to his face and I glare at him. "Oh ye look like yer brother there."

"Well that's strange isn't it? It's not like we share the same genes." I giggle. "I thought we could have a drink, all of us." Paul says as he opens a bottle of champagne. "For finishing the recording of our second album-"

"And for a darn good tour." I interrupt and hold up my drink. "Cheers!" We all say and down our drinks.

"Welcome to Sweden!" John tries to say in his best Swedish accent to a stewardess as we walk out of the plane. I walk down the steps and look at the 10-15 girls stood there waiting to meet them. "I reckon we should meet them and give autographs." Ringo smiles and waves at them and they all scream and swoon.

We all walk into the waiting room and the girls all stand eagerly waiting and George holds my hand. "I'm sorry if I get any kisses darling, I promise tonight I'm all yours." He says and it makes me blush. "Oh I know that my love." I smile and kiss him and jump at the flash. "förlåt!" The photographer says. George chuckles and leans towards my ear. "I love you." He whispers and bites my ear gently. "Oi lovebirds!" John shouts. "You have some signing to do Georgie." I smile. "I guess I do." He walks towards the fans still holding my hand and I follow him.

"Hello ladies." George smiles putting on his charm that's better than Paul's. The girls all giggle and blush and he starts signing. "Can I kiss?" One of them asks and George looks at me. "I ain't yer mother." I smile. George leans down and she kisses his cheek and giggles. "Can we see ring?" She looks at me. "Uhm, yeah sure." I smile and suddenly all the girls leave the boys and crowd around me. I show my ring and they all gasp and start talking to each other in Swedish.

"Can you sign our photographs?" They ask which catches me by surprise. I'm not a Beatle, why do they want mine? "Oh- um-" I look at Brian and he smiles and nods. "Yeah go on then." George passes me his pen and I get bombarded with photos of the lads and even a few of me.

My hand hurts by the time I finish and they all give me hugs. "Well we'd better go now, see you at the show girls!" Paul smiles and grabs my arm. "Ow- fucking hell Paul." I yank my arm away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt ye, it's just we have to get to the hotel."

"I finally get fans and you hate it don't ye?" I laugh. "What's this about then?" John strides over. "Nothing-"

"Paul's jealous that I got fans." I say and John laughs and pat's Paul's back, knocking the wind out of him.
"No I'm not, we just have to get to the hotel."

"Ah sure we do, oh sure we do." I chuckle.

"A room to ourselves Ells-bells." George wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder. "Later on my love, we have to go out tonight but I promise." I turn around. "You have me after we get back." I smile. "I do like the sound of that."

"Come on then before Paul has another hissy fit." I giggle and walk out the room and George follows me.

We all arrived at the Nalen, a dance hall that was popular in the area. It was celebrating its 75th anniversary so we all thought we should pay a visit.

"Looks more elegant than the Cavern." Ringo says. "Well anything is more elegant than the Cavern." I chuckle and walk over to the bar. "Do you do sex on the beach?" I ask the bartender and he nods. "On the alcohol tonight Elsie?" Neil asks while sipping his coke. "Well I ain't the designated driver like you are." I giggle cheekily.

"Shut up, I'd actually enjoy this if Pete was here but instead it's your brother." He moans. "Oh boo hoo go cry to Eppy not me ye arse." I grab my drink and walk away.

"Hey darlin, care for a dance?" George smiles sweetly. I look at him and drink my cocktail. "Only if ye can handle me lovey." I smile. "Oh don't get like that or I'll have to find a bathroom."

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