Chapter 5

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*20th March 1959*

*John's POV*

"Yeah I have it, when are we meeting him? Okay bye then." I hang up and turn to look at Paul. "Alright, party is all set, and Elsie has no clue, everything is going right over her head." I laugh. "She's gonna love this." Paul says as he plays with the two little Labrador puppies, one with black fur and the other blonde.

"Do ye know what George has got her?" I ask as I sit next to Paul and grab one of the dogs. "He won't tell me." Paul shrugs. "We gotta meet her brother in a bit, I'm gonna try and introduce myself." I say.

Paul's eyes widened. "Are ye serious? You seen him? He's like a big bully, he will beat ye up if you say something wrong." Paul sounded terrified. "Well Elsie is like that, so it makes sense, but their mother isn't, she's like a mother to us I don't see how it didn't pass down." I shrug.

A few hours later and we arrived at the Starkey household with the puppies and Mimi. "Go on Paul, knock on the door." I smile. "No you do it, what if her brother answers?" Paul says. "Oh for Christ's sakes." Mimi scowls and knocks on the door.

The door opens to a beaming Mrs Starkey. "Ah John hello! This must be Paul, and you must be Mimi, it's a pleasure." She pulls Mimi in for a hug which catches her by suprise.

"I just want to say thank you for tutoring my daughter, she has learnt so much." She smiles as she shuts the front door. "She is a pleasure to teach."

Paul spots Ringo in the living room a nudges me. I look over and he was right, he looked like he could punch me and knock me out. I suddenly lost all confidence and made it my task to avoid him.

"Well where are they?" Mrs Starkey says as she refers to the puppies. "Ah they are here." Mimi holds out a basket and puts it on the table. "They are adorable, she's gonna love these."

"Richard, come and see the puppies." She calls for Richard and he begins to stride over. Paul and I take this as our cue to leave and we both run upstairs.

"Why are we scared of him? Did you see how short he was?" Paul snorts. We both soon burst out laughing. "He's still scary though." I say and Paul nods.

We avoid Ringo for a while, as guests start to arrive. "Ello Cyn." I smile as I approach her. She looked incredibly lost. "Oh John, thank God, I barely know anyone here." She chuckles. "It's alright, ye got me." I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close.

"She's here!" Harry shouts. We all try and hide but it was no use in the tiny house.

The front door opens and George walks in, followed Elsie's whose jaw drops open. "Oh my God! For me?" She says and we all laugh. The puppies come running towards her and she drops to her knees. "You're joking right? These aren't mine, whose dogs are these?" I see her brother approach her and sit next to her and pull her into a hug.

"I'm so happy for her, she deserves everything." Cynthia says as we all watch her cry over two dogs.

The party finally got into full swing, everyone was drinking, George was hogging the buffet table, as Elsie tried to pull him away he managed to grab one more sausage roll.

"Hey Johnny!" Elsie walks over to me while holding the black Labrador. "Ah I see you have one, what's her name?" I ask putting out my cigarette. "Her name is Maddie, and the other one, he's called Aspen." She smiles. "You spoken to Richie yet? Paul says you are scared." She laughs. "He is too! He looks like a bully." I pout. Elsie snorts. "A bully? My dear sir, he is the complete opposite of a bully. Ye should talk to him." She puts Maddie down on the floor. "Come on." She says nudging me. "No what if I don't want to?" I smirk. She continues pushing me, and her strength gets the better of me and I stumble, right into Ringo.

Like A Rainbow 🌈 {alternative story and ending}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ