Chapter 8

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"Don't get all nervous idiot, ye will ruin the audition then." I nudge John's arm as we climb into the van. "Yes but this is for Decca records." He responds. "Right, we're off now." Neil says from the front. George climbs in and sits next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. "Oh God, she's coming?" Pete complains. "Oh shut yer gob Randolph." I smile.

The journey to London was terrible, I have never seen so many snowstorms in one day but we finally made it just in time.

"Smith's not here yet so I guess that's good." I sit down on the floor. "But it's 11am, he should be here." Paul looks at his watch. "It's new year's Day, let him off, probably had too much bevvie last night." I scoff. "You're the one to talk." George says. "Ye what?" I shrug. "Last I recall, last night ye broke the bar at the Cavern Club." George laughs. "The one night I decide to wear heels I dance on the bar and break it." I laugh.

"Hello, sorry I'm late." A man in a suit scurries in. "It's about time." John rolls his eyes. "Quit it Lennon." Brian glares. "I would like you to use our amplifiers as yours are...substandard." Smith says as he purses his lips. "Ah fine, whatever." John frowns.

The boys recorded 15 songs, and we were all confident we would get a contract.

"So?" Brian asks Dick Rowe. "Guitar groups are on the way out Mr Epstein." He says. "Oh you're having a giggle. That's it?" I snap at Dick.

"This is just..." Brian mutters. "Go on, Brian, say it." I smile at him. He looks at me with wide eyes. "It's just...bullshit." he forces out. "There we go!" I clap my hands.


"Come on George! We have to get to Hamburg! Remember I'm showing Stu my artwork! Ye said you'd support me! This is a big deal!" I shout through his bedroom door. The door finally opens. "What a sight for sore eyes. Ye look like shite love." I say as I walk in. "Yeah, not too well." He responds. "Does Eppy know 'bout this?" I ask as I guide him back to bed. "Yeah, mum called him, gonna go to Hamburg tomorrow instead with Eppy." He smiles weakly. "Well I'll stay with ye." I smile. "No! Ye have to go, yer showing Stu your artwork. This is a big deal for ye, ye haven't showed anyone before." He says. "It's fine, I'm sure he can wait one more day." I laugh.

"How many folders do you have?" Brian asks as he lugs the folders full of my art work onto the plane. "I didn't know which ones to bring!" I say as I laugh.

A few hours later and we arrive in Hamburg. "Boy do I not miss this place." I say as George helps me down the stairs. "The boys should be at the Star-Club, so come along now." Brian says as he walks away with some folders between his arms.

We arrive at the Star-Club and as Brian said, they were waiting for us, but they didn't look happy. "Hey what's up? We're here now!" I say and grab George's arm. They just looked even sadder. I frown. "What's going on?"

"It's Stu." Pete said. "Oh, is he here?!" I smile but it fades instantly. "No. He died 2 days ago." Paul says. "Haha very funny. Stu ye can come out now!" I force out a laugh. "This isn't a joke is it..." They all shake their heads. "I'm sorry Elsie, I know how excited ye were to show him your art." George caresses my cheek. "You-you knew?" I ask. "No I didn't." George pulls me in for a hug.


"Hey.." I hear someone say by the bedroom door. I don't answer. I continue looking at all of my artwork that was spread out across the floor, thinking about the potential they could have had if Stuart saw them. "Wow... These are amazing Elsie." Paul says as he scans my work. "Here, I got ye this." He holds out a glass of scotch which I take from his hands and drink the whole thing, slamming the glass on the table. "I fucking hate myself." I mumble. "Ye what? Don't say that please..." Paul frowns and grabs my hand. "If I wasn't so fucking shy about my work, he could have seen it ages ago, and I wouldn't be stuck following you lot around."

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