Chapter 11

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"Elsie love, we have to take these decorations down." Mother says as I defend the Christmas tree. "No! Everyone in Liverpool is so boring except for me! We have to keep it up." I defend. "Elsie." Harry sighs and stands up. "It's February." He says. "So? Every month can be Christmas if ye want it to." I cross my arms. "We don't want it to be Christmas every month." Mother says also crossing her arms. "Well I want it to!"

"Ah, is it the annual dragging Ell away from the Christmas tree?" Ringo sings as he walks down the stairs. "Not this year. I will win y'know. When I get me own place, they will be up all year round!" I shout. "You'll see! Everyone in Liverpool will see!"

"Yeah and everyone will be saying "cor! Heard about that mad woman who keeps her Christmas decorations up all year?"" Ringo laughs. "Come on Elsie, you have to let us take it down." Harry steps towards me.

"Ye will see it again in December, it's only going up in the loft." Mother says. "Hey." Harry puts his hands on my shoulders and bends down to look into my eyes. "In July, I'll let you up into the loft to check on the decorations. Sound like a plan?" He smiles. "March, July and October." I haggle. "Deal." Harry holds out his hand. I don't shake it, but I move out of the way.

"I'm off to George's, I cannot watch this murder." I whimper as I watch mother take a bauble off the tree. "Don't worry, we'll make sure it won't scream." Ringo smirks.


"Elsie you alright?" Louise, George's mother asks as I walk past her and into the house. "They are all murdering the tree!" I cry. "You didn't win this year then." Harold says from behind the newspaper. "Pfft! I will win one year. They will be up all year! Everything looks depressing without it!"

"What's this? Ah what's the date. Yes. The 24th February. Christmas decorations?" George chuckles. "Come on Ells-bells, it's me birthday tomorrow..." He says into my neck. "The big 2-0, old man." Peter scoffs in his tea. "Shut your trap, my older brother."

"Please, boys." Louise says. "Ooo! A piano! I learnt a song." I smirk as I sit on the seat. George sits next to me. "What you learn? Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?"

"Actually, I learnt the melody to Heart And Soul." I play the first note.

"I like that song." Louise says as I finish. George was silent. "Elsie. What can ye not play?" He smiles. "Harmonica." I shrug. "Oh! And guitar! Fingers too small, can't get it right."

"Well I'm off, buses can't drive themselves!" Harold says as he folds up the newspaper. "Bye love." Louise kisses his cheek.

"Bye love." I mock and kiss George's cheek making him blush.

"What do ye wanna do today?" George asks me. "I dunno, it's your birthday." I shrug. "Tomorrow." He says. "Can I have my present though?" He asks me smiling sweetly. "Hmmm, it's at home, dunno, ye have to work for it." I say. "Awwwh but I want it now. You asked me what I wanted to do today?" He asks. "Aye..." I say slowly. "I want to go to your house so I can open my present." He crosses his arms proudly. "Christ, Harrison. You win. Come on then." I sigh and stand up to grab my coat. "I always win with ye." He tickles my sides. "Yeah, hugeeee red flag. Don't like boys like that." I laugh. "Well ye hang out with three of em." George smiles as he puts on his coat. "What ye mean?" I ask. "Well John and Paul always get their way with ye. I bet you, if we ever break up, and that's an if, I'm not saying we will, ye will sleep with John." George says. "But John's married." I tilt my head. "And? It's you. I'm pretty sure he's said to Cyn that your his free pass, and Cyn has some celebrity she likes or something. Everyone has a free pass." George says as he closes the front door. "Mm? And who's your's then?" I ask. "Brigitte Bardot." He smiles. "Why are ye dating me then?" I raise my voice. "What? What d'ye mean?" He stops walking. "She's 10 times prettier than me. She's a bloomin' sex symbol George. I'm just some prat from Dingle." I say. "Elsie ye ain't a prat. A brat, yes sometimes. But you're mine. And I only picked her because so many lads want the same, and if it ever happens, it will be funny! Now who's your's?" He asks me. "Hmmmm, your brother." I smile. His smile disappears. "Which one?" He asks. "Peter." I say. "That stupid git. He's staying away from ye. That's too close to home." George sighs. "Ay it's either that or I say John. And ye know it will happen then." I say. "Fine. But you and Peter aren't happening. And besides, he's got a lass anyway."

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