Chapter 3

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After 2 years in hospital, Ringo was finally able to go home and after another month I was able to go home.

I had finished packing the last of my things when I heard the door swing open. "Ells-bells!" George marched in and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but notice a boy with green doe eyes stood behind him. "Who's this?" I ask. "Oh this is my new friend Paul McCartney, Paul this is Elsie." He smiles.

"Your girl? I have heard a lot about you. How are ye?" He asks and shakes my hand. "The best I have been in 2 years." I laugh.

"Can we go? I would like to go outside." I sigh and pick up my bag. "I'll take that." George grabs the bag from me.

"So Paul, How'd you meet Georgie?" I say and George visibly cringes at the nickname. "Well I met Georgie on the bus, we go to the same school although I'm in the year above." He laughs. "Oh so that makes you...ummm... Hold on I have it..." I say trying to work out his age. "It's alright, you did just walk out of a hospital after spending over 2 years there. I'm 14." He says.

"Oh here's me mother's bakery, I'll see you tomorrow then Geo? And I'll see ye around Paul, you must come round for dinner, my mum makes some good spam, chips and beans." I smile and kiss George on the cheek.

Once the boys walk away I open the door to the bakery, the bell startling Harry. "Oh if it isn't little Elsie! You escaped then." He rushes over to give me a hug. "Yeah, where's mother?" I ask looking over his shoulder. "Ah Priscilla is doing her hair."

"Priscilla white?" I ask my mouth wide open. Harry nods. "I haven't seen her in forever! Where is she?" I squeal. "Round back." Before he even said it was I was running round the counter and through the door to the back room. "Elsie!" I hear Ringo say but I rush past him.

"Elsie dear! You're here!" Mother says as Cilla tugs on her hair. Once she sees me she stops. "Little Elsie! You're not so little anymore! You have grown!" She walks over and hugs me. "Have I? I haven't noticed." I say and she laughs. "Well I better leave, I'll see you soon." She kisses my mother on the cheek and leaves.

"So what do you think?" Mother asks while showing off her hair. "It's's good!" I give her a thumbs up, while staring at the uneven ends of her hair. "Well can you two manage the bakery while Harry and I pop out for a few? Ta." She grabs her bag and leaves. I turn around to look at Ringo. "Your hair is curly." I walk up to him to touch it.

"Thought it could use a change y'know? Everyone's doing it." He shrugs. "I like it, it suits ye." I ruffle his hair. "Do ye think I could use a change?" I spin around in my dress. "Nah, you look perfect." He goes to say something else but the bell rings telling us that we have a customer. "Race ya." I run out of the room and into the shop, only just stopping before hitting the counter.

A woman who looked quite snobby, with black hair neatly tied up looks me up and down. "What can I do for ye today?" I smile sweetly. "Uhh yes hello, can I please get a loaf of white bread please?" She says, keeping a straight face.

"Yep, and anything else?" I smile while tapping on the cash register. "Umm hmmm..." She looks at all the cakes and breads. "What's in this bread?" She asks pointing at a small loaf of bread.

"Ah that has raisins and saltanas in it, me mother's special bread. Your lucky day, it's not in stock most days." I say. "Oh okay, I'll have that too then." She smiles. "Of course! I can throw a cake in for free for ya?" I smile. "Really? You don't have to." She says.

"No I really must! Y'see I just got out of hospital after being there for quite a while, I'm in a good mood." I smile and grab a vanilla cake slice.

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