Chapter Twenty-Four

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh dearest secret and open readers 😇. Sorry if you're upset for the lack of quick updates.. My reasons are at the end. For now enjoy 😍 🎉🎊 it's a long chappie.

Ameera's POV

       I felt a tap on my shoulder and blinked away the sleep in my eyes.

" wake up Ameera it's time for fajr (dawn prayer) " yasir spoke softly.

   I quickly opened my eyes realising i wasn't in my bed or room and everything came crashing on me... My grandma.

"did she wake up yasir? "I hopefully asked staring at her sleeping form hoping she woke up but just sleeping again.

   He looked sad but quickly made a neutral face "not yet but she will ... I'm going to the masjid now." then he quickly left I know he doesn't want me to see him crumble and get emotional.

Walking quietly to the washroom I performed ablution and went to the prayer section of the hospital to pray to Allah for mercy, guidance and healing for the Muslim ummah and especially my grandma.

      I sat in the prayer section for how long i don't know but i realized the sky was bright and nurses were moving about with files and trays filled with equipment and syringes.

Walking to my grandma's room I checked the time and saw 7:30am , entering the room I saw my mom sitting on the bed beside grandma.

     Then I saw a nurse checking the drip and a doctor with a notepad scribbling something With a ball pen.

Dad just sitting on the sofa with yasir by his side both staring at the bed. Yasir finally took notice of me by the door and quickly got up approaching me.

     "grandma is awake and.. " I tuned him off and rushed to her bed that was all i needed.

" you are really awake..? "I wanted to know i wasn't dreaming and that she is truly awake.

     She turned her head to me slowly with a weak smile "I'm awake my baby".And that's all it took for my tears to flow down uncontrollably.

"you know i can still pinch your cheek if you don't stop wetting my pillow" she stared at me but i could see soo much care in her eyes.

    Quickly i wiped my tears and a smile crept it's way to my face. "yes i know grandma.. Now get well soon.. I'm tired of this hospital" we always argued like this and I'm glad we got to do it again.

The doctor gave a slight cough for attention "I'm glad she's awake and  healthy, all vitals are good and stable ..although she would require a lot of rest and healthy diet " he concluded.

    "when can she be discharged doctor?" my mom asked the doctor hopefully.

"you can take her home today, I'll send a doctor after sometime to check on her again.. Let me get the discharge papers ready"

      "Thank you very much doctor we truly appreciate the effort" my dad shook hands with the doctor .

He left with the nurse following behind. "Aisha have you been crying? " grandma asked my mom.

      "Noo... i ..noo i didn''re fine now" mom replied wiping her tears and looking at the window not making eye contact with grandma.

"I'm fine now Aisha.. I don't want to see you crying " grandma told her softly.

     "where is my boy? " she means yasir that's what she always calls him.

"grandma! I'm not a boy I'm an adult now" yasir complained with a smile plastered on his face.

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