chapter two

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I tiptoed into the house to get to my room because i can't stand a whole 5minutes lecture by mama right now, really need a cold bath!!and thank God the sitting room is empty i guess she's in the kitchen.... i'm just about to open my room door....

   "Ameera Muhammad Abdullah stop right there!!!"and i froze that was my mother she's a pretty lady of age 42 Masha Allah but a very strong woman, average height, moderate body shape, brown skinned with a long black hair just below her shoulders, kanuri by tribe, a business woman, strict when she has to be like right now and also loving, a friend to us she's the best mom no matter what.

  "naam mama"i replied and turned slowly sheepishly staring "didn't i tell you to come home early after lectures were did you go to. i called several times but you didn't pick up,how do you expect me to do everything before dinner you're aware your uncle and his wife would be here soon"mama said disappointedly.

  "Sorry Mama i was with my friends but tried to rush home"i replied in a low tone.

"freshen up quickly so you can come and help me in the kitchen okay"she said turning to leave.

"okay Mama i replied mumbling.. I entered my room and closed the door leaning on it.. sorry guys didn't tell you her name it's Aisha Abdullah Umar my dad calls her eesha sometimes, I'm telling you they still act like kids. Anyway i'm exhausted so i went to the bathroom to bath.

Feeling refreshed i changed into a grey abaya and peach veil then applied kohl to my eyes lined my eyelid i love to give my eyes that look then applied a pink gloss and i think am good to go then headed to the kitchen.

   "Salamuailaikum mama"i said "waalaikumsalam dear, so how was your day at the University, hope you studied well "she replied as if nothing happened earlier... that's my mom for you. .

  "yes mom although it was a hectic day the weather also contributed i felt like fainting"i said and she chuckled I simply love her.

"Don't worry dear everything would be alright okay just pray to Allah to make everything easy"she replied.

  "Thanks mom"i said "you're welcome but you should help set the food on the dining table it's ready"she replied and i smiled.

   "Okay i will and by the way the food smell's amazing mmmm yummy "i said and she laughed "i invited my friends hope it's okay by you".

   "yes dear i know the girls love to eat the food i make"she replied smiling. I set the dishes on the table she made semovita and melon soup whispers*with lots of stockfish,crayfish,and chicken in it.then boiled Irish potatoes and curry gravy my favorite. Samosas, cupcakes of different flavors were ordered because mom couldn't do it alone and I wasn't back on time and finally orange, ginger apple juices what a feast!.

   "Princess what's that amazing smell delicious mmm" he rubbed his stomach and i chuckled "baba your dear eesha prepared all of these "i replied presenting it the way waiters do.

   "Ofcourse its only your mom that can make such delicacies "he said taking a seat "I'm jealous "i replied pouting.

   "Princess you know you're special too right"he said smiling "yup!!!"and we both laughed, he is my role model I love him a lot... yeah you'll say that cuz you're daddies girl. what a mind I have don't know if its siding with me or not.

"At least i know am the best"Mama said coming from the kitchen with a jug of water and we all laughed. Okay let me tell you about my dad he's a tall man light in complexion has a cute face, big round dark brown eyes, full brows, pink lips and 50yrs old the head manager of an exporting company he does his work diligently which earned him closeness to the CEO,baba is a jovial person but do not try to mess with him he can also be strict he's the best dad and his name is Muhammad Abdullahi from Kano that's it about dad.

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