chapter five

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Salaamualaikum everyone... sorry i wasn't able to update on time, i was ill but Alhamdulillah i'm fine now..... So let's roll 😇🎊.this is still Ameera's pov and Adnan's later on.
No one's at home just me so i went to the kitchen ate cookies and drank fanta, can't cook lunch i'm tired.

    I went to my room and straight to the bathroom, performed ablution, and prayed. Then took off my veil to get some fresh air and laid on my bed lost in my thoughts...

    Hmmm today wasn't a bad day. my friends, the waistcoat guy oops!!! but how did he make my day,wellll he gave me ice-cream my favorite, he was very nice,funny,gentle annnnd i think i like him just like nothing more he has a wife or a fiance urghh i turned on my bed i need to stop thinking about a stranger and sleep! yeah i need it.
   "Wake up dear it's time for asr"."mmmmm okay" don't even know who i'm responding too.

"tashi(wake up) ameera do you want to pray late" huhh..okay now i know it's mama but i still haven't opened my eyes.

"ouchh!.. i'm up"i replied now my eyes are wide open, mama just pinched me.

   "good for you"she said while chuckling and left the room. Lazily got up i didn't even get to sleep for long,time moves fast these days, then performed ablution and prayed.

Mama is cooking dinner I have to help her ."mama how can i help"i asked after entering the kitchen.

    "just make the fruit salad while i prepare the food"she replied while stiring what she was cooking. I got to work and we finished everything before maghrib then went to our respective rooms to get ready.

I performed ablution and prayed then went to help mama in serving the dish .Baba and Yasir were already seated i greeted them and sat down after serving, i didn't argue with yasir today .

"so how was your day at school princess "Baba said to me i'm my dad's baby.

   "Alhamdulillah it was fine dad" i replied smiling.

    "And you boy "he asked Yasir they get along well too "it was fine except that nosy lecturer kept interfering in things that isn't his business, he was just blabbering and moving his glasses every second because he's trying to be intimidating... "yasir replied irrritated and we all laughed my brother is a blabbermouth.

"then you should only focus on your studies and forget about his moving glasses"mama told him and we kept laughing.i love my family i'm in a good mood now.

"Aha ameera and yasir after isha you should arrange what you'll wear tomorrow i do not want excuses" mom said warning because the last time we went for a family wedding we wasted so much time trying to find an outfit and kept asking her for help.

  "okay mum" we both said after dinner and helped her to clear the table.

I entered my room to perform ablution prayed isha and started deliberating on what to wear, what to wear hmmm i just have to choose from what i have in the wardrobe after searching i decided on a long red gown, with long wide sleeves that has silver lace design at the edges, and a silver veil to complement.

Then opened my drawer and took a silver necklace and earrings with leaf like design and a wristwatch. I chose a simple designer high heels that's it, choosing outfit for myself is a big problem i just can't decide phewww.

I changed into my pajamas ,sat on my bed made dua then laid down and I don't always know when i sleep off...

Adnan's pov
  I woke up due to the adhan from the nearby masjid.I was enjoying my comfortable bed and the sleep got more enjoyable but i remembered its the trick of the shaytan and fajr salah is a prayer that is difficult for people but which is also very important.

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