chapter four

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Ameera's pov
   Grnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!!!!!!!!!!!oh lord can someone shut this thing off (alarm)i need my peaceful sleep i groaned, covering my head with a pillow.

   Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar (Allah is great)......i heard the adhan from a mosque nearby couldn't ignore it, i won't let shaytan succeed.

     I got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth performed ablution then came out to pray, after which I made dua

   "Ya Allah protect my parents, grandparents, and the Muslim ummah,have mercy on my brother and bless him, have mercy on me Ya Rabb... we are all humans we make mistakes but you're the most forgiving please forgive us, guide us to the straight path always and grant me someone you love to be my partner till eternity. Ameen.

    I wiped the tears i didn't know were flowing freely.Then read a few verses of the Quran before folding my mat. Masha Allah now i'm feeling like a burden has been lifted off me.

    Today's Saturday meaning no lectures for me... which means i can help mama in the kitchen. I left my room and went to the kitchen.... hmmm what should i make for breakfast well i'll make toast bread atleast it's easy and started my cooking.
    "Asalamualaikum dearie"mama said entering the kitchen with a full beautiful smile."walaikumsalam Mama inakwana, kintashi lafiya(morning ,hope you woke up fine)? i asked her returning the smile.

   "Lafiya kalau,kefa?(very fine, you?) "she replied "lafiya kalau mama"i answered spreading butter and then egg mixture on the bread before toasting.

   "Toh yayi kyau (okay good) so what are you making? "she asked. "oh it's just toasted bread and tea "i answered waiting for the bread to toast.

    "Not bad thanks for helping by the way it smells nice ..."she said putting a pot on the stove "don't mention mum"i replied. she helped in making tea while i went to set the table.

     Just then baba and yasir came to the dining "Assalamualaikum"i said "walaikumsalam they both replied

    "inakwana baba"i said to baba "kintashi lafiya"he asked "lafiya kalau baba"i answered they both pulled chairs and sat down.

    "Can't you greet ameera"yasir said glaring at me "ohh sowiee didn't see you or maybe i forgot, how was your nightmare?"i asked smiling... the thing is he always wants me to greet him everytime and everywhere even a boss doesn't get to be greeted this much, besides the salaam was for the both of them.

   "Baba did you see that she's disrespecting me "he reported, still glaring lol that's his problem at the rate he's eyes are bulging it might just fall out(sticking a tongue out mentally).

    "you don't have to worry she was doing it on purpose and she's happy you're reacting"baba replied with a half smile because he's used to this ..'our tantrums'. Yasir stopped glaring and faked a smile "never mind have my ways Ameera"he said smirking... he's up to no good.

     "dhurrr"i replied rolling my eyes before sitting down.Mama brought the tea and sat beside me, we said our bismillah and began eating.

     "How is everything at work, i hope it's doing great"mama asked dad.

    "Of course Masha Allah everything is fine the CEO's son has taken over and i must say he's a responsible young man"baba replied calmly .

    "Masha Allah Zahra has got a wonderful son"mum said... she knows the family partially because of dad and also business.

   "yes and that reminds me there would be a celebration tomorrow due to the achievements of the new CEO in just a short span of time,and i would like my family to attend, Mr. Ashir personally asked me himself.

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