Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ameera's POV

    I had the most amazing and peaceful sleep ever last night, knowing what I already want. Although i couldn't stop thinking about it over and over again.

"Ameera are you okay what's with the zoning of and smiling non stop?" Mom asked staring at me. Yup I did it again.

  "Nothing mom just remembered something,I'll just chop the green beans and carrots so we can add it to the pasta". I quickly added to avoid interrogation I'm not ready to tell her yet.

She is still skeptical but let's me be and continue staring her minced meat in the pot.

  We are preparing lunch today instead of baba and Yasir since it's women's free day for us as our family custom,but they are both busy this weekend.

Habiba will be coming over for lunch a complete family lunch. She's my family and Faisal is still around too.


"Come out of your rooms everyone lunch is served" I shouted loud for everyone to hear not in the mood to go from room to room and besides I'm happy.

   I am arranging the dishes on the table while mom went to get dad. Ding-dong who's ringing the doorbell.Maybe Habiba is here already that's nice I'll go get the door.

"Hii bestie I'm so glad you made it on time"I said hugging her.

"Same couldn't miss mom's cooking for the world" she replied laughing lightly.

"Come in , I was just about to finish getting the table ready" I told her stepping aside for her to come in.

   "I'll help,but isn't yasir supposed to do the cooking during the weekends" she asked as walk to the kitchen.

"Yes but he's busy with baba today so they couldn't make it,mom and I volunteered" I replied.

    "Alright i thought yasir was dodging this time" we both laughed.

We quickly finished bringing out the remaining dish and setting the table. Everyone was already seated.baba and Yasir just came in.

"Welcome back how was the conference" Faisal asked Yasir.

"It was amazing and inspiring I enjoyed it,but they didn't have my mom's food" he replied as if it was the most normal thing to say.faisal and mom laughed earning him a look from dad.

   We started eating after saying our Bismillah."Faisal how have you been coping at your work place" dad asked him

He smiled before answering dad "alhamdulillah baba it is going as planned just a few difficulties here and there but it's all good" he replied.

    "That's great keep up the good work"baba said in a good mood.since when did baba start talking openly with faisal wow that's new.

We continued eating in silence with yasir moaning about how tasty the food is and earning a glare from dad very comical.

   After lunch I and Habiba cleared the table before going to my room to have a chat.

We both laid on our backs facing the ceiling and looking at the moon and stars shaped decor hanging directly above my favorite because it reminds me of how I want my partner and i to be.

"Ameera what have you decided?" She finally spoke and I know what she is referring to.

   "I've decided to accept his proposal,I have to be straight forward about it" I replied because it's better now to beat around the bush when i know i want it.

"Are you really sure you want to spend your life with him?we are talking about commitment here" she asked again i know she cares about me and doesn't want me to make wrong choices.

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