Chapter 1 - After Prom

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Zoey & Chase are heading back to Zoey's dorm for a classic "make out session" as they have now confessed their love for each other. As soon they get to the door they hear giggling.

"Who's that?" Chase whispers to Zoey

"I don't know?" Zoey whispers back as she shrugs her shoulders.

Zoey slowly opens the door and looks over at Quinn's bed.

"Oh my god!" Zoey shouts.

"What is happening?" Chase asks.

"Ahhh! Oh... ummm... hi" Quinn says as she sits up in her bed and pulls the blanket over her.

"Quinn!" Zoey shouts.

"Ummm.... Sorry" Quinn nervously says

"Who is in there with you?" Chase asks

"Nobody..." Quinn awkwardly says.

"Is it Mark?" Zoey asks

"Ewww! No it's definitely not Mark!" Logan says as he appears from under the sheets.

Zoey and Chase's eyes widen and they can't close their mouth.

"W....wha..." Chase stutters

Logan and Quinn awkwardly stare at each other.

"WHAT?" Zoey shouts.

"Ummm...." Quinn murmurs.

"What? How? When? I'm so lost!" Chase says while pacing around the room.

"Well it's a long story" Logan says while he looks at Quinn.

"I just don't understand? When did this happen? Or is this just like a one night fling?" Zoey asks while sitting on the beanbag next to the bed.

"It's definitely not a one night thing." Logan says
Zoey and Chase look at each other and then back to Quinn and Logan, who are still in bed with the covers over them.

"Listen. Please can you guys at least leave so we can get changed and then we can explain" Quinn says.

"Fine I guess" Chase says pulling Zoey up from the beanbag chair.
They leave the room, but they keep looking back at Quinn and Logan with every step in a confused and sort of scared way.

"What the hell was that?" Zoey whispers to Chase when they shut the door.

"I don't know? I'm freaking out!" Chase responds

"Shhhh!" Zoey says aggressively

"Sorry. I'm so lost though and I'm sort of scared by it" Chase whispers.

Meanwhile in the room Logan and Quinn are still in bed.

"I can't believe this!" Quinn whispers as she takes the covers off.

"Thank god they've gone, so we can carry on" Logan says with a wink.

Quinn stares at him with disgust.
"Are you serious? We can't carry on!" She whispers

"Why?" Logan says.

"Because if you didn't realise Zoey and Chase are RIGHT behind that door and are waiting for us to get changed!" Quinn whispers sarcastically.

They both get up and grab their clothes and quickly get changed.

"YOU CAN COME IN NOW!" Logan shouts towards the door.

Zoey and Chase awkwardly and slowly walk into the room and shut the door.
"Soooo..." Chase says.
There is an awkward silence and they all just keep staring at each other.

"Oh come on! Tell us what the hell is happening?" Zoey snaps out.

"Right... Where do we start?" Quinn asks looking at Logan.

"You can tell it. I'm not!" Logan says.

Quinn rolls her eyes. "FINE!" She snaps.
"So you know when Mark broke up with me for Brook?"

"Yeah" Zoey and Chase say in unison.

"When I tried to impress him by dressing like Brooke and it didn't work I went off to a bench and PCA to be alone and have a little cry. Then Logan saw me as he was riding past on his JetX. I told him to leave me alone, but he didn't want to leave until he knew what was wrong. We started talking and he made me feel really good about myself and he made me realise that I shouldn't change my clothes and personality to get Mark back."

"Logan said that?" Chase questions.

"Yes!" Logan snaps.

"He then put my glasses back on and made me laugh and then before you know it we start kissing...."

"Oh my god!" Zoey says.

"After that we couldn't keep apart from each other and every time we thought we should stop it, we couldn't. Now you guys missed the prom, so you don't know what happened literally a few hours ago"

"What happened?" Zoey says curiously.

"Logan confessed that he doesn't just like me, but he loves me. He shouted it out to everyone at the prom, so I shouted it back. We then ran into each others arms and kissed in front of everyone there"

"Oh...." Chase says still in shock.

"So what was this?" Zoey asks pointing to the bed.

"Well we came back after the prom and I don't know? I guess we just started to make out and then one thing went to another" Quinn says shrugging her shoulders.

"Then you guys ruined it!" Logan says.

"Hey! How were we meant to know that you guys were in here doing.... That" Chase says while pointing to the bed.

"I know it might be a lot to take in, but please understand. You can't help who you fall in love with. Just look at you two. Chase loved you from the moment he met you and Zoey you always had a special place in your heart for Chase "

Quinn and Logan (After the Prom) ~ ZOEY 101Where stories live. Discover now