Chapter 4 - Idiot Guy

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Logan is walking to lunch and he sees Zoey, Chase and Lola at a lunch table.
"Hey guys." He says as he sits down.

"Hey" Chase says.

"Have you guys seen Quinn?" He asks in a concerned manner.

"The last time I saw her we got into a bit of an argument..." Lola says with guilt written all over her face.

"Last time I saw her was after your argument because she was storming off to get some air or something" Chase says.

"I saw her in the PCA Community Park earlier under a tree and she was pretty upset..." Zoey says sheepishly.

"Upset?" Logan asks

"Was it because our argument?" Lola asks in a panicking tone.

"No not at all, she said she was over that." Zoey says while stroking Lola's shoulder.

"What was she upset about?" Logan asks.

"Umm... you know it's not my place to say. I think you need to ask her" Zoey awkwardly says.

"NO Zoey tell me NOW!" Logan raises his voice.

"Dude don't talk to my girlfriend like that! Watch your tone man!" Chase says whilst glaring at Logan.

"I can't! She told me not to tell you, so please just go and ask her yourself." Zoey says.

"I would ask her, but I don't know where she has gone?" Logan says.

"I'm sure she will turn up. Have you tried calling her?" Lola asks

"Of course I have!" Logan snaps.

"Alright! I'm just trying to help!" Lola snaps back.

"Sorry. I'm just worried now that you've said she's really upset." Logan responds.

"THERE SHE IS!" Chase shouts point towards the coffee stand.

"QUINN!" Logan shouts to her.

Quinn just looks at them and gives them a wave, she then turns her head to the left and saw Mark sat with his friends while playing dungeons and dragons.

"Is she alright? She doesn't look it?" Chase says.

Logan stands up and jogs over to her.

"Hey! Where have you been?" He asks after he kisses her cheek.

"Oh... umm nowhere" She awkwardly responds.

"Tell me the truth Quinn! Zoey said you were upset"

"Of course she did, she seems to be telling everyone everything today"

"Please just tell me what's up. We are a couple, we tell each other everything"

"We can't talk here" Quinn says as she looks over to Mark. Quinn grabs Logan's wrist and drags him off.

"Where are we going?"

"Just shush!"

They get around a corner and Quinn takes a deep breath.

"Ok we are around a corner, now what?"

"It's about Mark..."

"What do you mean? You guys aren't getting back together are you?"

Logan's eyes start to water and he starts to play with his fingers as an anxious tick.

"NO!" Quinn shouts as she grabs his hand.

"What is it then? Has he done something?"

"He told me he wants to get back together and I obviously told him no, but then he started to insult me"

"WHAT? That little rat! I'm going to kill him!"

"No you are not! That's the reason why I didn't want to tell you!"

"How did he insult you?"

"He was just very sexist and he said that I don't really like science and that I'm just doing it to show off"

"What the heck? Why on earth did he say that? You are the most smartest person in the world! Einstein has got nothing compared to you!"

Quinn laughs and playful pushes at him. "Oh stop it. That's a bit of an over exaggeration"

"Now if you will excuse me while I got to kill him" Logan says as he starts to walk away.

"NO!" Quinn shouts as she grabs his arm.

"Why? I'm going to give him a piece of my mind and by that I mean my biceps"
Logan pulls up his sleeves to revel his arms.

"Put your pectorals away" Quinn pleads.

"I'm not having some idiot guy hurt you!"

"And I'm not having you get kicked out of PCA because of the idiot guy who hurt me!"

"But I can't just let him..."

Quinn cuts him off by kissing his lips. Logan smiles and kisses her again, but more passionately.

"Woah get a room!" Lola says as she comes round the corner with Zoey and Chase.
Quinn and Logan stop kissing and laugh.

"You two always ruin our moments don't you?" Logan says as he points to Zoey and Chase.

"What's happening anyway? Is Logan going to beat him up?" Chase says.

"No he is NOT!" Quinn snaps at Chase.

"Awww I wanted to see a fight" Lola says while stomping her feet.

"Lola!" Zoey says while she hits her arm.

Quinn and Logan (After the Prom) ~ ZOEY 101Where stories live. Discover now