Chapter 6 - The Aftermath

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Logan and Quinn are fast asleep in Logan's bed. Quinn is sleeping on his chest and they are cuddling up to each other.

"HEY!" Micheal shouts waking them both up.

"Oh hi Michael." Quinn says as she sits up and pulls the covers over her body.

"Micheal... Sup" Logan says as he sits up as well.

"What the hell? Did you guys.... Did... Did you guys do THAT while I was asleep in the same room as you?" Micheal says with widened eyes.

"Maybe..." Quinn responds.

"Ewwww!" Micheal says

"We are sorry! It just sort of happened!" Quinn says.

"You weren't meant to be here anyway, so it's sort of your fault." Logan says as he shrugs his shoulders.

"How is this my fault? That's so gross guys. Thanks for that." Micheal says Sarcastically.

"Sorry Micheal!" Quinn shouts and he leaves the room and slams the door.

"Whoops!" Logan says as he starts laughing.

"I can't believe we did that with him in the room. I guess it was the heat of the moment?"

"Well... Now he has gone, we could always do round two?" Logan says with a wink at Quinn.

"I don't know? He could be back soon"

"Or he might not be back soon and we've missed this opportunity."

Logan starts to kiss Quinn again and then they go under the covers giggling as they do so.

"Oh cheese and rice!" Micheal shouts as he comes back into the room.

Quinn and Logan quickly stop and pop their heads up from under the blankets.

"Sorry Micheal. We thought you would be gone longer" Quinn says.

"I'm going to leave again for a few minutes and when I get back I want you both fully clothed please"

Micheal leaves the room and Quinn and Logan get out of bed and start getting changed.
"Do we ever get time alone properly?" Logan says while putting his jeans on

"Doesn't seem that way" Quinn says while putting her top over her head.

"Do you want to go out for a meal later?" Logan asks.

"I would love to, but I have to study because I've got that big test tomorrow."

"Please! It would just be nice to get some alone time"

"I know it would be nice, but I really need to ace this test. We can do it another time"

Logan let's out a big sigh and Micheal walks into the room with his hand covering his eyes.

"Are you both decent?" He says

"Yes." Logan says.

"Good" Micheal says as he puts his hands down. "Now please don't do that ever again when I'm in the room."

"We won't. Sorry Micheal" Quinn says as she hugs him. "Anyway I've got to go now guys"

"Ok bye Quinn" Micheal says as he sits on his bed playing with his clackers.

"Bye" Logan says as he gives her a kiss on the lips.

"We will talk later" she says to him after the kiss.

Quinn walks back to her dorm room and sees Lola is still asleep but Zoey is up reading a magazine.
"Hey Quinn" Zoey whispers in order to not wake up Lola.

"Hi" Quinn whispers back

"So did you have a wild night?"

"It was really nice apart from the fact that Micheal was there"

"Oh gosh. That must of been awkward"

"Well he was meant to be with Lisa, but he was too tiered. Logan and I just sat on the bed together and talked and maybe kissed a bit"

Quinn starts smiling and blushing again.

"You didn't did you?" Zoey says as she puts the magazine down.

"Maybe we did..."

"With Micheal in the room!"

"He was fast asleep"

"Yeah, but that's still pretty gross"

"It just happened so quickly! I tried to stop it, but deep down I really didn't want to stop it at all. It just happened"

"Did Micheal wake up at all?"

"No, but he wasn't happy in this morning when he found out what happened"

"I bet he wasn't! That's kind of gross. I get it from Logan, but you?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You are a good girl Quinn and you aren't gross at all."

"Ha. I don't know? Something just came over me and I didn't just want it, I NEEDED it"

"Well I don't want to hear too much more about your wild night with Logan, but I do want to know one thing"

"Oh god, what?"

"Is he good at it?"

"Amazing! He is a giver as well, he doesn't just take."

"Really? I'm shocked. Well at least you had fun"

"I'm going to get changed because I'm in the same clothes as last night and then I'm getting some breakfast. Want to join?"

"Sure, I'm starving"

Quinn and Logan (After the Prom) ~ ZOEY 101Where stories live. Discover now