Chapter 7 - Swear on Life

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Logan is walking through the PCA Park with Chase as it's such a nice sunny day, plus Logan wants to tell Chase all about last night.

"Sooo... Chase" Logan says.

"Yeah?" Chase questions.

"Have you and Zoey ever... ever done anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know. Done stuff private?"

"Are you asking what I think you are asking?"

"I don't know? I just mean have you and Zoey ever had... an intimate moment?"

"Jesus Logan! Why are you asking me that?"

"Just curious"


"Because me and Quinn may of had one last night"

"Oh... We'll Zoey and I have not done that yet. We have only made out. How was it then?"

"It was actually pretty amazing. I can't even try and act cool about it because it was amazing"


"Seriously it was so much different to when I did it before Quinn."

"Wait what?" Chase says as he suddenly stops.


"You've done this before?"

"Oh shit, I shouldn't of said that. Ummm I sort of have"

"Who with?"

"Nobody. It's non of your business"

"Is it someone I know?"

"No..... Yes... Sort of"

"So you took Quinn's virginity, but Quinn didn't take yours?"


"Please just tell me who is was"

"No way. After we did it we swore not to tell anyone anything about it!"

"I'm your best friends though. Please tell me"

"I can't! You better not tell anyone, especially Zoey!"


"Because if everyone finds out then Quinn may find out and I don't want her to get upset. I shouldn't of even said anything to you, I'm so stupid! You have to swear you won't tell a single person!"

"I won't"

"I mean it Chase! Swear on Zoey's life you won't tell a single person!"

"I'm not swearing on anyone's life"

"I need to know that you definitely won't say anything, so if I make you swear on Zoey's life then I know you won't."

"Dude! I'm not doing that at all"

"Please Chase!"

"No way!"

"Hey guys what's going on?" Lola says coming up behind them.

"Oh hey... nothing" Logan says whilst glaring at Chase.

"Have you guys seen Zoey or Quinn? They kind of abandoned me when I was asleep this morning." Lola asks.

"Nope. Not seen them" Chase says whilst shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh well, I guess I will chill with you guys then." She says as she pushes in between them.

"Great" Logan says sarcastically.

"So what we're you guys talking about?" Lola asks.

"Oh you know stuff that guys talk about" Chase says whilst looking at Logan.

"Yeah like sports and stuff" Logan stutters.

"It looked pretty intense though. Almost like you were arguing." Lola says to them with slight concern.

"Nope" Chase snaps.

"Not at all" Logan exaggerates.

"Oh right..." Lola says suspiciously.

Quinn and Logan (After the Prom) ~ ZOEY 101Where stories live. Discover now