Chapter 20 - Hanging Out

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Zoey, Lola and Quinn get to the front door of the restaurant called Opal.

"Hopefully there are some seats, it looks pretty busy" Zoey says trying to look through the window of the restaurant.

"Hello ladies, unfortunately we have no tables."The man at front of house says

"Aww really?" Lola says

"You can sit at the bar and wait for a table to becomes free" the man says.

The girls all look at each other and nod.

"Yes please that would be great" Zoey says

They walk to the bar area and sit on the stools.

"What can I get you ladies?" The bartender

"I will have a berry ice drink please" Zoey says

"Can I have a lemon and lime fizzy frost please?" Lola asks.

"Umm... I will take a vanilla cola" Quinn says.

The man nods and starts to prepare their drinks.

"So do you think Dana and Logan are going to get together?" Lola asks

"LOLA!" Zoey snaps

"What?" Lola questions.

"We are suppose to be here to get Quinn's mind off all of that business with Logan and Dana" Zoey grunts

"Oh right. Sorry Quinn" Lola says sheepishly.

"It's fine... You can keep talking about that horrible girl if you want?" Quinn says

"I was just wondering what she is still doing here? She ruined you and Logan and now she isn't really around much?" Lola says.

"I don't know and to be honest after what she did I really don't care" Zoey says.

"She was just here for her exams" Quinn responds.

"But she has only done one exam. We've still got some more" Zoey says.

"Here are your drinks ladies" the bartender says.

"Thank you" the girls say I'm unison.

They all take a sip on their drinks.

"Oh my gosh! You have to try mine!" Zoey says as she hands her drink to Lola and then to Quinn.

"Nice" Lola says

"It's alright" Quinn responds.

The girls sit and laugh and order more drinks.

"Oh my gosh!" Lola says looking at her watch.

"What?" Zoey and Quinn say in unison.

"It's 10:30pm!" Lola says.

"Oh wow. Time does fly when you are having fun" Zoey says.

"We still haven't had a table!" Quinn snaps.

"Oh yeah... Maybe we could get a takeaway on our way back to the dorm?" Lola suggests.

"Sounds good to me" Zoey says with a nod.

As the girls are heading back to the dorm they walk past the guys and see Chase, Logan's and Micheal's room with the light on.

"I wonder what they are still doing awake?" Zoey questions.

Quinn just shrugs.

Zoey gets out her phone and texts Chase:

"Hey, why are you guys still up it's gone 11pm? Xxx"

Chase texts back:

"Hey, we are just watching a film Xxx."


"Who are you texting?" Micheal asks Chase

"Just Zoey" Chase responds

"Is she with Quinn?" Logan pipes up and asks

"I don't know? I'm guessing so?" Chase says whilst shrugging his shoulders.

Logan quickly gets up from the beanbag he was sat on and looks out the window.

"I think I can see them!" He says loudly.

He suddenly runs out the room.

"What the heck is he doing?" Micheal asks Chase with confusion.

Logan runs out the dorm and tries to catch up with them.

"HEY!" He shouts running towards them.

"Are you serious?" Quinn says to the girls

"Can we help you?" Lola sarcastically says to Logan.

"I was just wondering if I could speak to Quinn... Alone" He responds.

"Nope." Zoey snaps

"Quinn?" Logan says ignoring Zoey and Lola

Quinn sighs. "Fine, but you've literally got 60 seconds"

"You sure?" Zoey asks Quinn.

"Yeah, just please don't eat the pizza without me" Quinn begs.

"We won't" Lola responds.

Zoey and Lola walk away but as they walk away they keep looking behind them at Quinn and Logan to make sure Quinn is okay.

"How can I help?" Quinn sarcastically says to Logan.

"How long are you going to ignore me? I know what I did was awful and I hate myself for it, but can we not just be friends?" Logan begs

"WHAT? Even if I forgive you we were never friends anyway! You always bullied me!"

"Not all the time... Anyway, you use to get me back as well. It is how we worked and how there is so much fire between us"

"I don't want to feel like this anymore Logan, but at the same time I can't stop. I hate you and at the same time I love you and it's killing me..."

"I love you Quinn! Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me and at least stop ignoring me?"

"I don't know? You need to figure that out yourself... Anyway your 60 seconds are up"

"Quinn no! Don't say that. Please just talk to me for a bit longer!"

"I tell you what to shut you up we can try to start hanging out together, but not alone and not as a couple. If you try to do anything with me that is not what friends do, then I will zap you with my watch... or worse"

After Quinn says that Logan has a little smile on his face, but Quinn just storms off.

Quinn and Logan (After the Prom) ~ ZOEY 101Where stories live. Discover now