Chapter 1

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The elevator dings signaling that he reach the desired floor. Stepping out of the elevator he let out a sigh. As always he was a little late. It was around 5.30 pm the sun was setting. He always tries to be there a little early but destiny(work) never lets that happen.

The whole hallway was draped with a glorious orange-yellow shade reflecting on his beautiful honey skin. His eyes twinkle when gazed at the lustrous evening sky taking everything in. The cold breeze played with his dark brown lock making him shiver a little. He wrapped the coat more securely before resting his hands inside the big pocket.

He started to walk toward the Apartment, each step made a loud thud in the soundless hallway while his mind was loud with the thought of how today he was extra busy from the workload. Today's one client was extra bossy, ordering him around like he was some kind of robot but the photos turn out great and so did his earnings, so it was worth working for them.

 Today's one client was extra bossy, ordering him around like he was some kind of robot but the photos turn out great and so did his earnings, so it was worth working for them

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Kim Taehyung is a very Famous and high-in-demand photographer. He is very known between models and idols. He is a big name in the film industry as well. Yet he works for normal people also. He is very happy with his job but sometimes it's difficult to find time for himself in all this stuff.

Lost in his thoughts he didn't realise he reach the apartment, he sighed again before ringing the bell. Bell rings with beautiful harmony and some chirping of birds. He waits a few seconds before he hears pairs of footsteps. He could hear little excited footsteps with some jumps and the other ones were calm steps. Before he knew the door flung open and a little body collided with his legs.

"Appa!!" Called a little girl while hugging her father's leg. Said man smiled, and crouched down to take his bundle of joy in his arms.

"Hey, sweetheart" He greeted his little cute daughter. "did you have fun with uncle Seokjin ?" He asked his little bubbly baby who was nodding her head enthusiastically.

"Yes!! We made cookies as well!!" Said the excited little one with a big boxy smile on her face that resembles her father.

"Oh really??!!" He asked her while matching the same enthusiasm as her. She replied with a giggle. They were lost in their world in small nonsense talks that they didn't realise that someone was also there.

"Hello to you too Taehyung." Seokjin said sarcastically, catching both father-daughter duo's attention successfully. He was still standing there beside the door, the doorknob in his hold while watching the duo in front. "There are the cookies for you. We made some more for you as we don't want you to cry for some, right sweets?" smile towards the little girl who nodded her head while saying a small 'yes'.
He gave him a small paper bag which was still a little warm when he hold them.

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