Chapter 13

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I'm will try to update this story more often.


It was around 7 am and Jungkook was still not awake. He needed to attend an important meeting today. Mrs. Jeon quickly ran upstairs when Her husband informed her. She knocked on his door but no one answered. She got confused. She tried again but no response. 'Jungkook always answers in first two knocks'. She tried to open the door but it was locked.

Suddenly she stopped before looking at the wooden door with a grin. "No way something happened. But there is always a chance." She shook her head, getting rid of the nasty thoughts. "It must be because they were tired. Yes. That must be it." She tried to think more.

She decided to leave them for a while since the meeting will start pretty late anyways. She decided to take a look at Jihoon it was about time he woke up but today there was no sound from his room.

She quietly entered the room. But the scene in front made her freeze. She sadly smiled before walking near the pair. Jungkook was sleeping on the sofa chair near the crib with Jihoon on his Chest. She softly moved Jungkook's hair away from his eyes, before looking down. To her surprise, Jihoon was wide awake staring at his father while playing with his shirt buttons.

Mrs. Jeon chuckled as she patted his head, "So that's why someone is so silent. Dada is sleeping hmmm?" She asked him, the baby looked at her and then giggled leaning near Jungkook more. "How about we let him sleep more huh?" She asked as she tried to take him out of Jungkook's hold.

Jungkook instinctively tighten his hand around Jihoon as he woke up with a jerk. He almost thought Jihoon fell from his hold. He sighed when he realized it was just his Mom.

"I'm sorry Kook. You were sleeping but Jihoon must be hungry." Jungkook nodded sleepily looking down at Jihoon who giggled and Babbled something.

"Good Morning to you too Baby." He greeted back groggily as if understanding Jihoon's babble. "Here Mom. feed him. I need to get ready." Mrs. Jeon nodded taking Jihoon in her arms who whined loudly but she didn't listen took him out saying,

"Isn't my Jihoonie hungry? How about milk? Or maybe fruits? Or you want..." Jihoon watched her talk, understanding only words related to food. He was hungry so didn't cry much.

Jungkook sighed before walking out as well. His neck was paining from sleeping in a chair the whole night. Maybe he should get a couch or small bed in Hoonie's room for himself. 'Don't know when I will sleep in my bed?'

He knocked on the door but Taehyung didn't answer and it was locked as well. He didn't have any option so he took out the key and opened the door. He has a master key that can unlock any room in the house.

He made one because one-day Jihoon's cousin locked himself and Jihoon in a guest room. They both were sleeping on the bed while the whole family was freaking out outside the door. So for kids' safety, Jungkook made one, Thankfully it was unused most of the time.

He softly push the door open, Taehyung was still in the pile of a thick blanket. He soundlessly chuckled when he realized Taehyung was sleeping with his limbs spread like a starfish. "He is like a small kid himself."

Jungkook quietly entered the bathroom, taking a hot shower to relax his aching muscles. When he was done he realized he didn't have any clothes. He wrapped the towel around his waist and slung another on his neck. He walked out quietly trying his best not to make any sound.

Taehyung was woken up by some sound near the nightstand. He opened his eyes a little bit trying to see who it was. His eyes widen when he saw an almost naked man. He tightly shut his eyes, forcing his mind to remember about yesterday, he heard some shuffling before a door closed again. Taehyung quickly sat up and looked around, he soon realized where he was.

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