Enslaved by Insanity ( Zero X Reader )

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Your POV:

You silently glared at your mother across the limo. You didn't want to go to school. Not now, not ever. Everywhere you went, people always seemed to hate you. Though it didn't affect you much, it doesn't mean that you were fine with it. It didn't mean that you were okay with the fact that people ridiculed you for something you couldn't control. Your mother looked over at you, flashing a 'this is for your own good' smile.

The limo suddenly came to a stop.

"We have arrived, M'ladies...." The driver had stopped the limo, and turned to us, giving us a slight bow from where he sat. My mother turned to him, giving him a silent nod.

"Go. The headmaster told me to inform you that you have to head to his office as soon as you arrived" The driver stepped out of the car, and opened the door beside you. Stepping out, you had noticed a tall figure near the opening of the gates. You sniffed the air, inhaling the scent of a pure blood. Of course... The limo drove away, as you slowly approached said figure.

"(Y/N) (L/N)....." A deep voice rang in your ears, sending chills up your spine. The figure began to walk towards you, revealing a tall, and very handsome brunette. You looked up at him, his gentle eyes examining you, taking in every little detail from the color of your hair, to the forced smile you had managed upon your lips.

"Yes, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You sent him a subtle defensive glare, all while still keeping the false smile stretched upon your lips. He flashed a fabricated smile of his own, and reached out to delicately take your hand in his. He brought it up to his lips, and kissed it.

"I am Kaname Kuran." He let go of your hand, placing it gently by your side. " It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N) (L/N)." You forced another smile and lightly shook your head.

"Please, just call me (Y/N). After all, we purebloods, should act as companions." He nodded and looked down at your bags that the driver had left by your side.

"Do you need help with those?" He asked motioning towards my two Brown, Victorian style bags.

"Would you? It would be much appreciated." You looked up at him, your smile still fixed upon your face.

"It would be my pleasure." He bent over and took both bags. He only took two steps before suddenly stopping.

"By any chance, did the head master send you a paper with your schedule and dorm room?" you nodded and reached into your jean pocket, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper.

"I'm sure you have to meet with the headmaster, so I'll just leave these in your room." He smiled and walked off. You gave him a slight wave and made your way to the headmaster's office. He seemed nice.

I shouldn't have treated him so badly... I shouldn't have taken my anger out on him...


You knocked lightly on the headmaster's door, hoping that you have finally found the right room. You had been lost for the last 20 minutes, asking for directions from strangers, and somehow managing to get even more lost among the maze that was the headmasters building.

"May I come in?" You asked, hoping that someone would answer. When there was no answer, you took initiative, and wrapped your small hand around the golden door knob.

"Hello?...." You cracked open the door, peeking through to check if someone was inside.

"Oh! Yes! Please come in!" A cheerful voice was heard from inside, startling you. You opened the door all the way, timidly letting yourself in.

"You must be (Y/N) (L/N)! Please, come sit!" A man with tannish hair pulled back in a slightly feminine hairstyle was standing eagerly at his desk. You nodded and walked hesitantly, but gracefully towards him.

"Oh don't be so shy!" You nodded again, stepping behind a chair. You pulled it back and sat down, facing the overly excited man. He cleared his throat as he looked from his paper, to look at you. You cocked your head to the side, a look of confusion rested on your features.

"Are, you okay?" You reached over and touched his arm, careful as not to scare him. He shook his head violently and grabbed your hand.

"I just never thought we would have such a beautiful student!" Your eyes widened, as you felt your cheeks blush involuntarily. Letting out an awkward laugh, you tried to hide your own burning cheeks.

"Th-...thank you...." He let go of your hand, and walked behind his desk. You looked back up, your cheeks still dyed pink. He stood silently, before speaking.

"You may be wondering why I wanted you to come to my office." His voice suddenly turned serious.

"No, not re-"

"Well let me tell you." You giggled at his still hyper persona. Placing both hands by your side, you listened to whatever he had to say.

"I need to explain the rules to all new students, especially the night class..."


"Did you get that?" You looked up at him, and nodded. Looking out the window, you noticed that the sun was rising, you had to head to your dorm room. You backed away from the window, and swallowed hard.

"May I be excused?" He nodded and waved at you.

"I hope you enjoy Cross Academy!" He yelled, his serious tone was suddenly replaced my his cheerful one... Odd man

"Thank you.." You walked out of his office, ready, and prepared to get yourself more lost than you were before.

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