Chapter 2

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You stared down towards the front of the class, not taking in anything the teacher was saying. Your shoulders slumped as you raised my hand.

"Yes?" The teacher nodded towards you, as you slowly let your hand fall to your lap.

"May I be excused to use the restroom?" The teacher stared at you for a little bit, then finally nodded. You stood up and walked out of the classroom. Opening the door, you silently closed it behind you, and turned towards the hallways. You began to make your way towards the exit of the class halls, not much caring for the insignificant grades you'd be getting for going to the class.

You stepped out towards the trees that surrounded the school. Scanning the area, you heard a rustle. You swung your head towards the noise. Standing in front of you, was a silver haired boy, with beautiful silver eyes. You admired his hair. You've never seen hair like that in a long time...

"Night class students should remain in the  school buildings at this time. I'm sure the headmaster reminded you of the rules." I stared at him, a little shocked that he acted like that towards a pure blood. I smiled and nodded.

"He did, but I don't enjoy doing things that have no benefit for me." He glared at me, taking a threatening step towards me.

"I hope that doesn't mean your going to go around drinking the blood of the day class." You smiled softly and stepped closer to him. Looking up at him, you examined his facial expression.

"Well, you see..." you crossed my arms," that's my own little rule that I've made for myself. I refuse to drink the blood of any living creature. I only drink blood that's bought from blood banks, I never drink directly from the source." His eyes widened, looking at you as though you were something new altogether.

"Zero?!?" A cheery voice was heard from a distance. You sniffed the air, this blood... Why... Can't you tell what this... thing... is...? You stepped away from him, and looked down at the ground, your arms still crossed defensively across your chest.

"Zero? Where have y-... who's that?" The girls' footsteps slowed to a hesitant walk. You looked up and noticed a slim brunet, who looked strangely a lot like Kaname... You turned towards her, and heard a gun being cocked. You sighed and looked over at the boy.

"Don't worry. Like I said, I don't drink directly from the source." you looked over at him, then back at the girl.

"That doesn't mean I can trust you. You still have a craving for human blood." you sighed and uncrossed your arms. You reached over to his wrist, and made him lower it.

"Yes, that's true." you let my face drop to a frown. "However, that doesn't mean that I actually enjoy being what I am. Nor does that mean that I want to make other innocent people become something so... disgusting..." You looked down and shook your head. You looked back over to the girl who was staring at the two of you, her eyes still filled with curiosity.

"I'm (Y/N), I'm new here. It's nice to meet you..." 

"Yuki Cross, but just call me Yuki!" She smiled at you, and you instantly smiled back. You looked over at Zero, who couldn't seem to do anything but glare.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." you lightly tapped his shoulder. "I would like to start over..." you put your hand out in front of you, though he didn't even bother to look at you.

"I don't want to befriend a monster..." He began to walk away, as Yuki followed. You flinched, letting your arm fall to your side. You furrowed your brows, and bit your lip, not wanting to say something you'd regret. 

"That's-... nothing I haven't heard before..." you looked at the direction that they walked away to. You laughed to yourself, and began to walk away.

"Wait!" Yuki's voice rang in your ears as you swung around to look at them.

"Yes?" You cocked your head to the side, and noticed that Zero was struggling under her grip. You smiled, genuinely, and unlike the other times you smiled, this one wasn't forced. You chuckled at Zero trying to get away from that girl. They both looked over at you as you were silently laughing to yourself. Yuki smiled, as Zero looked away, his cheeks flushing marginally.

"Why are you laughing (Y/N)?" You looked over at them, a smile dancing on your lips.

"You guys are adorable." You laughed, giving them one last smile, before turning to walk away. As you were walking back, you felt someone grab onto your elbow. Not forcefully, but with enough force, to stop you from walking away. You turned around, and noticed Zero holding onto you.

"Look, I'm sorry for calling you a monster." He looked over at you, and gave you a noticeably strained smile.

"Don't try to hide behind that smile. I can see right through it..." You tapped at his hand, showing you were a bit uncomfortable with the physical contact. 

"And, it's not like I'm not already used to it." You let out a soft laugh, as he let go of your shoulder, giving the freedom to walk away.

Enslaved by Insanity ( Zero X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now