Chapter 4

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"Come on, (Y/N)!" Yuki yelled as she banged on your door. You chuckled and put a flashlight in your camping bag that you've been preparing for the last couple hours. Zipping it shut, you slung it over your shoulder, and walked to the door. As you were about to open it, it suddenly swung open, hitting you hard on the forehead. Stumbling back, you fell on your arse, and hissed in pain.

"Where are you (Y/N)?!?" Yuki yelled, obviously overly excited about the camping trip that the two of you had planned. You rubbed your head, hoping it would feel better, but evidently, it didn't. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" Gently, you cut her off by playfully playing a finger over her lips.

"I'm fine, Yuki." You smiled gently at her, showing her that there were no hard feeling. 

"So... Mind leading the way?" You gestured for her to walk ahead. She stepped out of the room, with a slight bounce in her step. You walked out behind her, shutting your door as you walked out.

 As the two of you walked down the hallway, you noticed that none of the other vamoires were anywhere to be seen. You stopped walking, and turned to Yuki.

"Where's everybody?" You slowed down your pace, and turned to her, occasionally glancing around for any sign of vampire life.

"It's spring break, so everybody went to go visit their families. I'm surprised you didn't." You smiled, and continued walking.

"I don't get along with my parents...." You sighed, and looked over at Yuki. Laughing it off, you turned at a curve in the hallway which led to the front door. STILL EDITING Noticing Zero was by the exit of the moon dorms, you slowed your pace. As you approached him, you noticed that Kaname was next to him, holding two tent bags, and some other bags were wrapped around his chest.

"Wait, there's only two tents?!" You burst out. You looked over at Yuki, who also seemed to be suprised.

"Yes." Kaname nodded, making me sigh in a slight annoyance.

"Can I at least share with Yuki...?" You asked as you looked down. Yuki nodded in aprroval.

"No, due to the fact that you are a pureblood, and in any danger, you wouldn't risk your own life for my Yuki." Kaname explained. He turned towards Yuki and smiled.

"Therefore, I will be sharing with Yuki." Zero looked up and growled.

"And why can't I share with Yuki?" Kaname looked over at Zero, and smirked.

"We never know when you will fall to a level E..." You gave Kaname a glare, but you didn't say a thing. Though you knew that he WOULD fall to a level E, but not as long as you were there to offer your blood. Zero sighed and picked up a black backpack that was next to him. You assumed that's where he put all of his stuff. He began to walk out, and everyone else followed. You blushed at the thought of having to share the same tent as Zero. You looked over at Yuki, and noticed she was doing the same, but instead of Zero, Kaname was the reason her face was so red.

"We'll be camping in the forest surrounding the school. Okay?" Kaname looked back at us, and smiled at Yuki. You and Yuki nodded. You looked over at Zero, who was just staring at the floor as he walked. You blushed as you noticed that he was smiling. That rare smile you saw before... His genuine smile. You looked over at Kaname, who seemed to be a little distracted.

"Set camp here." Kaname announced. You nodded and walked over to him, taking one of the tent bags from him. You walked to a space that seemed decently big to set up your tent.

-Time skip-

I finished pitching the tent, and Looked over at Kaname and Yuki. Of course they were still struggling with theirs. You laughed to yourself and walked over to help them.

~second time skip (Oh my gawd... could this mean?... I IZ DA TIME LORD!)~

Once you guys finished, the sun was setting, so you headed for your tent. You had already placed your stuff in there, so all you had to do now was place your sleeping bag. As you walked in, you noticed Zero was eating pockies. You blushed, and walked over to your camping bag. You un latched your sleeping bag, and placed it on the floor. You looked over a Zero who had his face in his hand. You chuckled.

"Did you forget your sleeping bag?" You laughed. He looked up at you and slowly nodded. Your eyes widened. You were actually expecting a no. You then sighed, and backed away from your sleeping bag.

"Well... No chance I'm letting you get sick..." You looked over at him, and smiled. He widened his eyes and looked at you. You nodded, and reached for your camping bag. You pulled out a pillow, and threw it at Zero.

"Now sleep..." The sun was completely set now. You laid in the plastic of the tent. The wind sent chills up your spine. You began to tremble, and the fact that you were only wearing a tank top and shorts didn't help. You heard a long zip, then felt arms wrap around your waist. You were pulled into a warm body, and your sleeping bag. You heard another long zip, as your surroundings began to warm up. You looked behind you, and noticed Zero was looking down at you. He spun you around and hugged you. You were at his bear chest, and you could hear his heart beating.

"What...?" You whispered. Zero shrugged, and rested his head on your head. You felt his warmth wrap around you. You nestled your head to his chest and closed your eyes. You heard Zero's deep breaths as he fell asleep. You reached up and touched his hair. Your whole body was tingling at his touch. You sighed, and closed your eyes yet again.

"Why is it, that only you make me feel this way Zero...?" You fell asleep in his arms. Yearning to be closer to him.

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