Chapter 5: My time with you.

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I ran down the hallway, bag at hand. I had to go out shopping with Zero. The headmaster wanted us to head out to town to get to know each other. Cross was an odd man, though orders are orders. I burst through the moon dorm doors, ignoring all the stares I got. I ran towards the gates, and jumped over them. As soon as my feet landed on the ground, I stumbled into a body. I fell on top, and in order to not squish the person below me, I used my hands to keep me pinned up.

"I'm so so- Zero?" I looked at his grey eyes, and blushed as soon as I realized what position we were in. He looked up at me and growled.

"Get off." You nodded and stood back up, holding out your hand for you to take. He looked at your hand, and took it. He pulled you down, and forced you back on his lap. He lifted your chin, and glared at you. Didn't he just tell you to 'get off'? You gulped, wishing that you could sink into your shirt.

"Z-Zero..." You looked over at him, and noticed he was hesitating. "hey, what's wrong?.." you whispered in a calming tone. He looked up at you, and you noticed he was blushing.

"I.... had a dream. But I wonder if kissing you would be the same like ..." He paused. You widened your eyes and starred at him. He leaned foward, and gently placed his lips on yours. Your body tingled at his touch. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His lips moved passionately with yours. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, as you leaned him onto the grass. You slightly opened your eyes, and noticed he was blushing, a darker shade if pink than before. You closed your eyes again, and placed your hands on his chest. He hesitantly pulled away, slowly opening his eyes, as you did the same.

"I'm sorr-" He cut you off by placing his index finger on your lips. He starred at you and shook his head.

"Why.... Why did I feel..." he clutched his hand over his chest, and looked up at you and frowned.

"This meant nothing..." Your eyes widened at his words. How could he say, 'this meant nothing?!". To you it felt so right... Though, even if your heart hurt, you nodded, and put on a fake smile.

"Exactly. Shall we go?" You stood up and dusted off your jeans. You looked over at him, as he stood up, and walked behind you. As you two were walking, you stole some glances. The whole time you two were walking, he was starring at the ground, and seemed to be deep in thought. You lightly shook your head, and turned over to him. You grabbed his hand, and forced him back. He stopped walking, and turned towards you.

"What." He spat. I looked at him and squeezed his hand. You couldn't explain it, mainly because no one has ever made you feel this way. You sighed and looked up at him. For some reason, you hated the fact that he seemed to dislike you. You pulled him towards you, and forced him to look at you.

"Zero... I feel like... You hate me...." You let your head hang, as your (H/L) (H/C) hair, fell over your (E/C) eyes. He looked down at you, and pulled his hand from yours.

"It's because of beings like you, that I am, what I am..." He turned around, and you reached up to his shoulder.

"But without being who you are... You wouldn't be able to defend Yuki like you do...." He turned around and glared at you. He grabbed your collar and forced you to face him.

"What do YOU know?!" His words were filled with venom," You're just a beast! Incapable of love!" You yanked his hand from your collar and stared up at him.

"I... I was.... For a while, I had no idea what love was..." You let your head drop.

"Up until..." You looked up at Zero, and stopped yourself from finishing your sentence. He glared at you, giving you a shove. You fell backwards, and your hand landed on a rock. The smell of your blood filled the air, as you lifted your hand, and glared at your blood. You looked up at Zero who was stepping towards you, in a demanding fashion. He grabbed your arm and yanked you up. He held you against him, as you felt his tongue trail on your neck.

"Z-Zero, no..." You mumbled. He sank his fangs into your flesh, taking in the taste of every pure drop that fell into his mouth.

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