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idea 2 of 2 lol 

set to be started sometime next year hopefully 

a story idea of a Japanese soldier falling in love with an African American Jazz singer in late 1930s-1940s shanghai.

He struggles between his duty and obligation to his country and the desire to love her.

matsuda ichiro was raised in Kurashiki, prefecture okayama. (near hiroshima) His father died in the first sino japanese war. His mother and grandmother remain. He wants to make the memory of his father proud and happily enlists into the army when the second world war starts. The journey leads him to be stationed at a base in shanghai. There he comes to meet beatrice jones one night, she being a frequent performer to entertain the troops. First listen first sight...he in immediately smitten.

set in 1943.

Their romance starts as a slow burn. They are both hesitant and unsure of their attraction to each other but eventually they come to accept it. Things take a disastrous turn as the city's chinese population are rounded up and put into concentration camps. She is taken along with her family and is put into one just as he is shipped out to fight in the battle of bairoko. When he returns two years later in 1945, he has become war hardened and cold.

Kudo Kosei as Matsuda Ichiro (24)

Kudo Kosei as Matsuda Ichiro (24)

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Halle Bailey as Beatrice Jones (20) 

Halle Bailey as Beatrice Jones (20) 

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The sounds of jazz filled the small club and the sweet smell of cigar smoke created a thick white fog. The musicians played on, lost in the moment it seemed. Eyes took in the surroundings and he swallowed thickly. He'd never been to a place like this before but at the request of his comrade Takahashi had decided to check it out. The music was foreign yet strangely comforting. It seemed to electrify him from the inside out and set his very blood on fire. Heading to the bar, he removed his uniform hat and ordered a Russian vodka in clipped nervous English. Another suggestion from his good ole buddy Takahashi. Lifting the drink to his nose he sniffed. Straight alcohol. No hints of anything else. So deceiving it appeared as smooth and clear as water. Almost like sake with a much more pungent smell.

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