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"I would like to dedicate this book to a man who lived, loved, regretted, and eventually found freedom. He was one of the meanest, hardest yet most gentle people I ever had the pleasure of getting to know. This is the work that he didn't have the courage to finish, these pages hold his deepest darkest secrets, his words completely uncut and unscripted. I hope that you get to know and respect Mr. Ichiro Matsuda the same as I did. Thank you." Flashes of light punctured the air and the handsome man began to come down from the stage.

"Mr. Ito! What is the name of the book? Mr. Ito, what will his granddaughter do with all of his war artifacts?"

"You will have to see the title when it comes out next week. And as for that, I think you should ask Ms. Miller that, yourself." Pushing through the slew of voice recorders, note-takers and bodies, he made his exit from the press conference. It was finally done. His job was finally done. And now, now he could focus on other things... move on to more and better and greater. Though, he knew that a part of him would always and forever carry just the tiniest bit of Ichiro Matsuda with him. Getting into his car, hurriedly, he drove away and decided to take the scenic route. Slipping on his shades, he caught Asami's number pop on his wireless caller. Accepting the call, he smiled as he answered.

"Hey, pretty lady."

"Hey babe."

"What's up?"

"Nothin. I just finished watching you on the television."


"You looked really hot." Her admission made him chuckle and grin like a kid in a candy store.

"I did, huh?"

"Yeah. Kinda makes me wanna see you right now."

"Bad girl, you know you're supposed to be studying."

"Weeeellll... I wanna study somethin' else for a little bit." His eyebrows shot up.

"Now, you're just being a naughty girl, Asami." Her little giggle excited the hell out of him and he licked his lips.

"I guess I have no choice but to come see you, hm?"

"Guess so."

"Be there in twenty."

"Can't wait." A smirk slipping up onto his mouth, he pressed on the gas just a little harder, the change in plans sure to be very appreciated and welcomed. They'd been playing it safe... playing it slow and steady for just over a year. He was more than ready to take the next step in their relationship and couldn't wait to see just how she felt about it. She didn't let him in her honey pot that often, tried to keep his hands out of the cookie jar. But times like these made it so damn hard to resist her, pun intended. Should he tell it honestly, he'd known from the first time they'd been intimate that he wanted to ring it up and put a little bow on it. The few times they'd made love after that only solidified the intensity of his feelings. Little did she know that he'd been planning and waiting. On the night of the book release, it seemed the perfect time to press go.

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