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The sunlight was just coming up past the horizon when he'd pulled away from the Matsuda house. Fingers tight on the stirring wheel, he got onto the freeway. Last night...wasn't a mistake. No, not on his end. He hadn't intended to...she hadn't intended to. But they did. Over and over again. It had felt so good, so right. The dashboard lit up as a number called him. It was her. Taking a deep breath, he accepted the call.

"Morning." She didn't reply all at once but he knew she was on the other end.

"Listen, Sami... I...I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Me neither."

"I don't regret it though." He heard her intake of breath now and got over into the next lane.

"You've changed Takeru. I don't know... who you are anymore."

"Guess that makes two of us." She sighed into the phone.

"Maybe you did it because you want to connect with Grandpa more." Fingers tight again on the stirring wheel, he got over back into the proper lane with a little more force than what was necessary.

"No, Asami. I made love to you last night because I'm in love with you. It had nothing to do with your grandfather." A stunned silence now filled the car.

"I've always been in love with you. Even after our breakup, you've never left my mind, baby girl. Not once."


"You're in denial. I get that. If you need time to sort it out, just tell me that. I understand." Again, silence. Without replying, she hung up on him. Feeling his heart pound against his chest, he relaxed his fingers. In silence, he drove, his mind running a million miles a minute. She was afraid. She was so scared to let herself go and jump off the deep end into something real and raw and beautiful. That's the reason she broke up with him in college. She just couldn't handle the intensity of her feelings, his feelings, their feelings.

He tried to hold on to the person he thought she needed him to be. But not anymore. Getting off of the freeway, he inhaled and exhaled deeply. He'd give her as much space as she needed. But, he would stop apologizing for things that he didn't feel sorry for or regret. Last night was nothing short of magical and he'd wait... he'd be patient until she allowed him to experience her again.

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