🔞Chapter 9: Dearest Mentor 1.2

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[A/n: semi-proofread. I'll do it later instead.]

For the past few decades, I stayed by her side. Even if it was just to play games. . . Apparently her parents already told her about the arranged marriage, so now, she and her fiancee are required to meet every month. Sometimes he would stay here for a few days, and sometimes she'd be gone to stay in his country for a few days as well.

I noticed how well they got along so quickly and always seemed to be having such a good time in each other's company that I'm sorta glad that she finally has a playmate that's the same age as her.

And as they grew up, they became closer and closer. . . Phila got especially excited when Malaysia got a new sibling and the three began playing with each other. Katipunan and Perla were thrilled at how well their friendship has built up. Both sides of the family were more than happy with the progress

And as more years passed by, Phila started to grow. . . At first, I barely even noticed it. But then it just suddenly slaps me in the face. She's growing up. But, not literally though. She's still pretty small that she still looks like a kid. Maybe that's why I didn't notice it at first. .
But her maturity. . That was something I couldn't overlook. Phila has matured so much through the pass few decades.

It's kinda sad to think about to be honest. . . It was as if it were only yesterday that I was still able to carry her in my arms. But now she gets embarrassed whenever I try to do so.

I sigh, "sabi ko sa'yo dahan-dahan lang haaay.."
{"I told you to slow down.."}

"Paaa!! Papaaaa" we turned our heads to the young girl who bursted through the door and interrupted our meeting. Luzon, Mindanao, and I looked at her with confusion while Kati and Perla raised their brow in curiosity. "Ano yun anak?" Phila huffs while her brothers who followed behind her, panted as well. Del groans and looks up at the roof with his eyes shut tight while heavy beads of sweat runs down his face. "Tangina! Bakit ang bilis niya?? Haaaa. .!!" He complained.
{"What is it sweetheart?", "Fuck! Why is she so fast?? Haaaa. .!!"}

"Ma! Pa! May barko! Madaming barko!! Nangingisda lang kami nila kuya tapos lumangoy ako ng palayo, pagkatapos may nakita akong mga barkooo!!" Perla laughs at her panic-stricken daughter and pats her little head. "Wag kang mag-alala anak, barko lang naman. Malay mo bumibisita lang sila" she smiles. Phila whines and stomps her feet "hindiii!!! Hindi maganda ang kutob koooo!! Papaaaaa" she turns to her father, looking at him to ask for help. But Kati only smiled and tousles her hair. "Wag kang mag-alala anak, baka humihinto lang sila para pumahinga. Kalma ka lang."
{"Ma! Pa! There's a ship! Lots of ships!! My brothers and  were just fishing and when I swam away I saw ships!!", "Don't worry sweetie, they're just ships. Maybe they're just coming over to visit", "nooo!!! I don't have a good feeling about this!! Papaaaaa", "Don't worry sweetie, maybe they're just stopping by to rest. Just calm down."}

Philip pats his twin sister's back. "Wag kang mag-alala! Kung sakaling hindi lamang pagbibisita ang sadya nila dito, e kayang kaya natin silang talunin!" Phila sighs and smiles, "sige. ." The twins smiled at each other before Martial pulled Del out of the hut and Philip and Phila followed behind them.
{"Don't worry! If ever they didn't just come here to visit, then we can easily just defeat them!", "Okay. ."}

"Hayssttt Katipunan. . . Mga anak mo talaga. . ." Mindanao grumbles while Katipunan only chuckled. "Kaya nga e. Manang mana sa nanay" he grins. Perla gasps and smacks the back of his head, all of us knew better that that wasn't a gentle slap. It probably shook Kati's brain if we were to judge better of Perla's strength. But as her husband for decades, Katipunan laughs and continued to tease her further.
{"*Exasperated sigh* Katipunan. . . Your children are really something. . .", "I know right? They definitely got it from their mother"}

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