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Sheesh. It's been a long time since I've updated this as well.

It's on hiatus or anything. And I'm not discontinuing it either! I love this book so much and I have so many NorthPhil scenes in mind!

I'm currently working on two chapters for this book, the first chapter is already finished, but I just want to finish the second chapter before I upload the first one.

Sorry it's taking too long 💀

I probably shouldn't take too much of my time on it 😭😭

I've just been so caught up with new ideas for the oneshot book 😭

I didn't mean to abandon the other three ongoing books 💀

I swear, I'll try to get back on it as soon as I can. I won't take my time anymore. I just hope I won't lack motivation and have the chapters come out sloppy 💀

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