Chapter 7: Don't say no

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✪North Korea✪

I pace back and forth as I anticipate the arrival of the female leader.

I had to make sure that we're in a secluded area, with no media or anyone else to bother or interrupt us.

I had the guards wait outside my privately owned forest. I have a cabin here where I mostly go when I wish to relax.

And another cabin not so far from my main one for "other" purposes.

Where is she?

Is she even coming??

I had the place pampered up for fuck's sake!

She's late!

I look at my wrist watch and made an 'o'

It's still 4:20, of course-


I finally decided what I wanted to wear. A tightly fitted navy dress that reached all the way down to my knees.

It embraces my curves, but it doesn't show much skin either. It had long sleeves but with open shoulders, and its collar reached up to my neck.

I paired it with a beret and black heels.

"I think this is good.."

I sigh and walked out of my room.

"Where are you going?"

I looked behind me to see my brother standing in the doorway of his room, he has his arms crossed as he leans against the doorframe.

"I have another meeting with North Korea."

""Meeting", huh? I thought I told you to stay away from the communists? They're nothing but trouble."

"Oh really? Then why did you make us allies with three of them, hm? And almost selling our country to one of them as well?"

". . ."

"Don't try to tell me what to do. Because I'm more likely not to follow you. And unlike you, I know what I'm doing."


"Now! If you'll excuse me~ I have a "hot" meeting to attending to."

I giggle at the end of my sentence. As I finally went outside to the helipad where my chopper is waiting.


I arrived at the place that North Korea had appointed for our meeting.

I smiled as the guards left my side and waited outside the prohibited area and told me where I needed to go.

I sigh in relief as I felt in peace and looked around to see the beautiful trees.

"Nature is truly a wonder. . ."

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