Chapter 16: Promise of the past

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[A/NI apologise for the very late updates, please forgive me.]

[Disclaimer: Please beware of grammatical errors and typos, thank you.]

[Notice: Standard English(British) will be mainly used.]

"Aaaaahhh~~ oh how I miss my office! Just how I left it 35 years ago!" I sighed and leaned back on my chair, feeling the texture of the old artificial leather.

....yeah this isn't comfortable. It's old. It needs a replacement. And this office needs a makeover.

I quickly stood up and snapped my fingers, "aha! Let's go shopping and redecorate my office!" I smile until I heard an annoying, sassy scoff. "Erm, I believe you're getting sidetracked from the main purpose of you coming back here, my queen." I turned to look at Visayas and sigh, "I'm sure we still have a lot of time to-"

“All countryrulers, please report to the main hall. I repeat, all countryrulers, please report to the main hall.”

I groan at the sound of the announcement. "Fine fine...let's go, Vi." Visayas escorted me out and locked my office for me as we walk down the corridors. Other countryhumans started emerging from their offices as well, heading in the same direction as I am.

We gathered in the main hall and sat on our designated seats, our right-hand men/women stand behind us.
I lean back and looked at Visayas. Oh this poor, frail old man.

"Psst. Vi." Visayas looks down at me and raises a brow. "Can you please bring a chair here?" Visayas nods and walks away.

After Visayas exits, the main organisations made a beeline to the front, with UN sitting at the top podium while the other four sat a level or two below him. Tsk. Talk about hierarchy.

UN looks around the room, and when our eyes met, he smiles before proceeding to address the room. "For the first time in 35 years, we are finally complete once again. I'd like to thank miss Phila for attending our meeting this year, and to congratulate her for the reopening of her beautiful country to the world! Please, stand up and present yourself, miss."

‘Flattery won't get you anywhere. I know you don't actually mean it, you vulture.’

I refused to move from my seat and sat still until many seconds passed by and UN scoffs, "stubborn as always. Alright."

And thus, a boring, mind-numbing meeting begins. But just in time, Visayas comes back with the chair I requested. "Good, now you don't have to exhaust yourself from standing there."

He raises a brow, "excuse me?" I smile, "this is a two-hour-long meeting, Visayas. I can't just let you stand there, come, sit." Confused, Visayas reluctantly obeys and puts the chair behind mine and sits down. I giggle before going back to listening.


....this was a mistake. Get me out of here!

This is boring!

Seriously! 35 years and they are still having the same old problems?!

Did I enter a wormhole? Am I in the wrong universe?!

Why hasn't anything changed!!?

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