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{edited. May have mistakes}

[a/n] woahh i got readers out there even tho its like 20, which is a lot in my opinion.. but i dont hv any votes :( like none.. so im going to set goals from now on and if i dont get to the goal idk meh i might just delete this cuz its kinda proving that this book sucks.. idek lol. without any further ado lets get this started.

p.s this chapter is mostly an intro about the characters :)

enjoy :)


Water dropping from Harry's wet curl, warm water hitting his back relaxing the tensed muscle. He got out of shower, towel hanging low on his waist, checking the time, 6:30 am. School starts at 8:30, so Harry got a loads of time before he has to leave home. Being Harry, himself just sat down on his old, singled size bed and grabbed a book from the mini side desk beside the bed and start reading.

Without knocking Harry's mum, Anne, walked in, not seeing harry only in his towel, "Harry, you've got 15 minutes until schoo- Oh my god, what the hell are you doing?!" Anne half shouted half squealed.

Harry just shrugged and glanced at her, book still in his hand.

Anne and ken, his father, became... Distance from his son after he came out to his parents saying he was gay, but his parents never understood him. Sure they care about him but they just didn't appreciate it and thought it was absolutely wrong to be liking the same sex.

Harry's father is the CEO of a business company so he's very, extremely rich and has much more than enough of money. Ken always wanted Harry to become a business man just like him, men in suits and ties with shit loads of cash in his pocket and hands but the thought made Harry sick. He absolutely hated the idea of being a father with no emotion who would barely talk to his own son because of his sexuality.

Harry's mum is just a housewife. She was supportive when Harry first came out bisexual, actually thought that, that could change to being straight but as time past Harry was becoming the other way around and thats when Anne gave up when Harry admitted his sexuality, gave up on being supportive, gave up on trying to make him like girls and gave up on making a conversation with him because that always ended up with one of them leaving the house.

Gemma Styles, she was the worst. The only sister Harry had, and he was the only brother she had. She was a perfect sister before harry came out but right after those words left him she slapped him right across the face, yes slapped. After a while, she started to abuse her own brother. Not like a full on kicking and slapping but little ones that doesnt cause much harm but still causes him pain. Throwing insults after insults that actually had caused Harry to feel insecure about himself which made him look like the Harry now, the nerd who has huge glasses almost covering his entire face, a badged colour vest over a button up white sleeved shirt and a black dress pants.

Harry created another side of himself, trying to hide his real personalities only to make him more confused about which one is his personality is real. But the more Harry thinks about this the more Harry feels like an retarded idiot that doesnt even know himself...

By the time Harry finished thinking about everything that happened to his life, he noticed Anne has walked out of the room, leaving himself to finish up dressing to his usual nerd look.

Harry's POV

8:20 shit shit shit, I am so late its going to take me 15 minutes to walk to school and fuck I don't need to be in detention.

I rushed out of my house practically shoving my black shiny dress shoes on, forcefully. Running as fast as I could.

Seeing only few students were in the hallway, I quickly went to my locker unlocking it, history... I'm in deep shit, 'cuz Mr. Roney, the history teacher, is the strictest teacher in this whole school and he scares the crap out of me when he shouts at other students.

With my books in my hand, running to the class, shirt not tucked in properly in the pants, I finally arrived and took a sharp breath then knocked, opening the door slowly, bringing my body inside quietly as I can seeing that Mr. Roney is still writing some Roman time thing that I learnt 2 years ago. Halfway walking to my seat Mr. Roney spoke up,

"Mr. Styles, you are late,"

"Yes, Sir"

"Well, detention after school for an hour, got it?"

"Yes, Sir." I repeated,

What a great start of the Monday morning


[a/n] so heyy, hope u will actually enjoy this and i promise it will get better :)

so we will start at:

votes: 1

comment : 0

and if i reach the goal i will update however long it takes :)

BUT if it takes too long i WILL update :))

cya beautiful bitches, adiossss

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