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"I swear to god Zayn. If you ruin my fort again, I will murder you." Harry huffed, Zayn has been doing nothing but annoy Harry for the past few minutes while Louis was on the sofa
typing away on his phone.

"Oops!" Zayn said as he kicked the chair back causing it to slide and the blankets to fall off.

Harry breathed out slowly, trying to calm down.

"Zayn," Harry calmly muttered.
"I will count to three and you shall be gone or your hair will be messed up."



"Oooh, I'm terrified," Zayn sarcastically said, making faces.

Because Harry would never.

"THREE! YOU ARSEHOLE, IM GONNA GET YOU!" Harry shouted as he ran for Zayn, jumping on him, causing Zayn to make an 'oompf' noise.

Harry straddled him as he reached for Zayn's hair, quickly messing his perfectly styled hair up as Zayn tried to escape him.

Louis coughed trying to gain some attention. Well, he was jealous but no one needs to know that.

"Uhm, Harry." Louis tried calling him.

"Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry." Louis chanted.


"Harry baby,"

Harry whipped his head facing Louis, cheeks tinting up a bit with the fact that Louis called him baby.

"Please get off that.. thing. Come give me a kiss please?" Louis suggested, he doesn't like Harry on another man.

"Mhm, of course."

update cuz bored and it's 1 in the morning. (((even tho it's more like a filler chapter ((just wanted to describe [?] Harry and Louis' relationship)))

and ofc because y'alls are freaking amazing

have a lovely lovely wonderful day you little cuties

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