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(A/n: should I delete this book? And make another better one? Read the author not at the end.

I groaned, feeling a heavy arm on me.

Zayns arm.

I sighed and turned over, my back facing him, seeing the time.


It's Saturday.

I stood up, still dressed in black boxers and a hand printed shirt then went to the bathroom that was connected to his room.

Once I entered there was hair products everywhere.

Hair products and more hair products.

"He's so gay," I muttered to myself and sighed, slightly chuckling.

Once I finished, I went back to his room, seeing him still asleep.

10:27 am.

"Wake up, Zayn." I whispered to him.

"Wakey wakey." I said louder.

No response.

"Zayn wake up!!" I shouted. Only receiving a grunt instead.

He's a deep sleeper.

And definitely not a morning person.

Suddenly an idea popped up, and I smirked.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed one of the hair product that looked pretty expensive and fancy then I shouted,

"Let's see, ooh the fancy sparkling blue hair spray bottle looks perfect for my hair!"

No answer.

Oh so he know I'm not going to actually use it. I then press the bottle making the hair spray, spray everywhere.

"Noooo!" Zayn quickly sprang up and snatched the sparkling blue bottle from me, "It's so expensive harry!" He screeched then continued "It was a limited edition! From France!"

"You're save now, my precious baby," he quietly murmured to his hair spray.


"We are going to go shopping, bitch." Zayn shouted as he fist pumped the air as we entered the shopping mall.

Suddenly Zayn was squealing and clapping his hands and shouted "I'm going to make you perfect for the dare, and you're gonna kick his arse."

I smiled, shaking my head, thinking to myself,

Told ya he is so gay.


A/n i know this is very short. But it's better than nothing :)))

So delete or keep this book? Comment.

Nice comments will be dedicated also if voted.

So I wrote this in a plane to Combodia for a trip/visit/explore u guys name it and it was boring asf. And I wrote this :). I hate planes. <- random fact.

So tell me if u like this book or not and I'll delete it if u guys don't like it cuz. Wats the point? Right?

And don't worry I hv so much better ideaS yes more than one *violent shakes enthusiastically*

Yeah. I'll update tmr if there is a bit of homework.

Bye xx

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