Chapter thirteen

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A month later the night before Draco's birthday he was stressing out which was expected but Cassie was tired and it was half eleven so she quickly helped him go though his planning and once it was done they both fell fast asleep on Draco's bed surrounded by various pieces of parchment.

When they woke up in the morning cassie was leaving to go and get ready but head butted the wall trying to get out and had a big bruise on her face which Draco freaked out about because his day had now been set back half an hour due to Narcissa having to heal it.

"It was your walls fault for being in my way" she said as they sat in the kitchen.

"It's fine, Oi dobby I want everything ready to go by eleven no later" he shouted at the poor little elf.

"Yes master" he bowed as he ran out.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that he has feelings too" cassie smacked Draco hard in the back of the head.

"He's just a house-" Draco was cut off

"Don't finish that sentence or you'll get a smack to the front of your head I don't care that it's your birthday" she said giving him her best disapproving aunt face.

"Sorry" he pouted. "Let's get ready anyway we only have two hours" he panicked looking at the clock on the wall.

"Oh wow two hours what are we going to do" Cassie shook her head as she left him in the kitchen.

It took cassie all of 30 minutes to get ready and then she lay down on Draco's bed as he tested each pair of his shoes for an hour before he settled on the first pair he tried. Narcissa took them down the path to the portkey that had been placed outside the manors wards and they arrived at the park half an hour early too which Cassie rolled her eyes at the rush he was in.

"No ones going to be here for ages" cassie shrugged.

"It's better to be early so I can set everything up myself dobby won't get it right anyway." He gave her an apologetic look as she gave him a deathly stare.

When Draco had set everything out and Cassie had picked 632 blades of grass out of the parks floor Pansy arrived with a rather large box for Draco shortly after Crabbe and Goyle arrived each with a small badly wrapped gift for him. Of course Theo was going to be late he strolled across the park like he hadn't a cafe in the world and then handed draco a book shaped present.

There was a picnic table set up for the group and draco had outdone himself with the amount of food he'd managed to force dobby to make the table was over flowing. Only half of the food was used and the rest cassie convinced Narcissa to pack up so they could take it to st Mungos for the patients there.

Draco received a set of gloves from Crabbe and a matching scarf from Goyle, Theo got him a book that was carved out so he Could hide stuff in it, "made that myself I did" he winked at Cassie as it was opened. Pansy of course had to be extravagant and got him a beautifully made jumper, a travel broom cleaning kit and two books on quidditch.

Cassie gave him her present last it was a photo album that she made herself a dark green with silver details and a great snake on the front. When he flipped though the first few pages it was mostly pictures of him and Cassie but there were a few with each of his friends and she had left a big portion of it blank.

"I thought you could fill it up yourself when we get to hogwarts, it should last us until at least third year" she smiled.

"I love it thank you Cass" he gave her a side ways hug.

"Here's the other half of the present" she handed him another box.

He opened it and took out a magical camera and he smiled at it and then at Cassie.

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