Chapter 2

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"What time is it?" I asked him.

"It's 3 pm"

I overslept, having such a weird dream kept me from my work and now I'm a little behind schedule. I quickly stood up and grabbed my notebook. "Hey, you must have fallen asleep while doing that and yet here you are, writing again. Wow, I'm amazed by your passion."

I rolled my eyes at him. Should I tell him that bizarre dream? Well it was just a dream but... It felt so unreal.

"I think you should eat first or better yet, fix yourself first. Your hair looks like a haystack." he joked. I touched my hair and became self-conscious. Seriously Kaia. Just because your best friends don't mean it's okay to let him see you look like that.

"I uh... need to go to the bathroom." I excused myself.

I'm so stupid. I know I shouldn't be embarrassed because he'd already seen me at my worse, but I can't help it with him being a guy, much more the guy that I like. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. As I exited out of the bathroom I spotted him looking through my baby pictures. He's already seen it a million times ever since he went inside my room. At first, I was a bit embarrassed because there are some humiliating pictures of me, but I couldn't stop him.

I quietly observed him as he scans through my photo album, bearing a small smile at the corner of his lips. Unknowingly, my lips curved up as well as I realized how handsome he looked in his shirt. I shook my head and made my way towards him.

"I'm done."

He looked up at me and grinned before placing the album back to my shelf. "Great! Breakfast at the waffle house? My treat."

We entered the cafe and went to greet Jenny, the lady who works there. "Good morning to my favorite customers" I grinned and took a seat. After school we usually head straight to eat at this café. Jenny, a 30 year old woman, owns the place. She serves the best waffles in town.

"Good morning to you too Jenny, we'll have the usual."

She nodded in understanding and went to the kitchen to work on our usual dish. Xander sat in front of me, and I contemplated on whether I will tell him about my dream or not. I always tell him everything that has happened to me and he has never judge me.

"So... the weather's good?" I said in my weak attempt to start a conversation. He raises an eyebrow, "spill." I looked at my fingers and sighed.

Here goes nothing.

"Remember my story? the one I'm currently writing?" I began, he nodded but kept silent, urging me to go on. "Well last night I dreamed about... me being inside my story." I paused for a moment as our pancakes were served. "It felt surreal Xander, I mean meeting my own characters... how cool is that?"

He looked at me and sighed, "Kaia, you're too focused on your story I mean, even in your sleep? that's too much."

"I know, but we can't control our dreams, can we?" he nodded, sadly. "Well maybe, you're just excited for that contest, so tell me. Is Alexander handsome like me?" and in a snap, the tension was gone just like that, that is one of the few things I like about him. We started eating, I playfully rolled my eyes, "Oh please, he's way more handsome than you."

He snorted, "seriously? more handsome than me?" I nodded and ate my waffles happily. He gapes at me not really understanding that I was just joking, "are you kidding me right now?" I ignored him and focused on my waffles, dang these waffles are so good.

He gave up when he realized that I wasn't listening anymore and pouted.

Aww he's so cute when he does that.

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