Chapter 14

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The first song was 'That's What You Get' and that put everyone in the mood and shouted in glee including me.

I haven't attended any concert ever in my whole life and I only saw this online, I'm not a fan of Paramore but I listen to their songs, so I've chosen them in my story. Maybe this concert would turn me into a fan.

After the first song, their vocalist I've known as Hayley Williams introduced the band and I felt the urge to pee, so I searched for the bathroom while waiting for the next song.

I found the stalls and all of it are occupied, so I waited.

One opened and I was surprised to see Cassiopeia, "Omg I didn't know you're a fan of Paramore." She said in surprise, and I gave her an awkward smile. "I'll explain later, I just really need to pee. Wait for me, I'll be fast." I said and quickly did my business.

When I was done, I was relieved to see she was still there. "Hey, thank you for waiting, by the way, where are you located? I was at this side." I said pointing to where I was a while ago.

"Oh, we were at the other side, that must be the reason why we haven't seen each other. Are you with someone?" she asked me, and I shook my head, if Xander was here he will be thrilled. He was the reason why I listen to their songs in the first place.

"Nope, I'm alone. Can I join you guys? It's not that fun without any friends."

She happily agrees and she led me to where Alexander is waiting. Where he saw Cassiopeia and noticed she wasn't alone. He raised an eyebrow at me, "hello... uh I hope it's okay to hang out with you guys, or are you on a date?" I asked him and he shook his head with a laugh.

"Nope, it's fine you can stay. Didn't peg you as a person who listens to Paramore."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "well I didn't expect you the same. I think of you as someone who listens to classical or jazz type of music." He blushed furiously at that, Of course I know my character's weaknesses, I know everything about them.

"Wow, you're good at guessing Kaia. He's not a fan, I am, so he accompanied me here. Now look at us, the concert trio." She said happily and that made Alex and I looked at each other to smile too.

The next song came 'Decode' and that put all of our attention back to the concert. The feeling when you're attending the concert was great, you get to sing at the top of your lungs with no one to judge you, plus you get to hear the songs live.

The setlist was great and all of us were having a good time.

There's only one song left for the encore, and that's when things get bad. We were singing when Cassiopeia stopped, and she stood still.

I take a good look at her and notices her face became pale and she is touching or holding her chest. Alexander noticed it so he grabbed her wrist and led her away from the crowd. I followed them and noticed he brought her to their car.

He made her sat at the passenger seat and gave her some medicine and water, she quickly drank.

I looked at her in concern and I don't know what to do in a situation like this... Finally, the color on her face came back and she seems to be fine now.

"I shouldn't have brought you here... I'm sorry." Alex said softly, sitting at the driver's seat and putting his hands on his face, All the doors in his car were open so I can see them clearly, I don't know if I should leave or not.

When Cassiopeia was really okay now, she put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that she's fine.

"Don't worry, I'm okay... I guess I just overdo myself and with the excitement. I'm okay now, really. This is supposed to be a fun night and I enjoyed it okay." Then she looked at me who looked like I'm still spooked about what happened.

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