Chapter 9

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A pounding headache woke me up and I groaned, I looked at the room I'm in, and I noticed I'm at the clinic. A nurse went to me to check my temperature, I remembered losing my consciousness and heard someone calling my name.

"Uh, excuse me miss... did someone brought me here?" I asked the nurse after she finished checking up on me.

"Yeah, a guy brought you here. He stayed a bit long, but he has a class to attend to so he left."

My heart beats faster, it was Xander, I'm sure of it.

"Your fever went down a bit, but you should give it a rest first. I'll give you a pass from your subjects so you could go home already." Well so much for going to school for the quiz, I didn't even get to take it.

After she gave me the pass, I gathered my things and leave the room.

I was surprised to see Xander walking outside the hallway, he was walking towards my direction, but when he saw me, he stopped in his tracks.

We stared at each other for awhile, and I was the one who broke away from his gaze. "Xander..." I managed to whisper, I was afraid that he is still mad at me. "How are you feeling now? why did you go out the clinic?" I know he's concern, but his voice was so cold that I had to stop myself from cowering.

I don't want to cry in front of him.

"I-I have to go home, the nurse adviced me to..." I said weakly, he gave me a nod and was about to walk away, when I hugged him.

It must be because of my fever, but I can't stand this fight any further.

I noticed him stiffened from my hug, but he didn't stay away from the hug. "Are we really going to be like this? we haven't fought for this long." my voice cracked in the end.

"Kaia... let go please" he said softly but I shook my head, I was afraid that if I let go of him, he'll leave me again and we'll never be okay. "I'm not going to let go until we're okay. I'm sorry please, forgive me already."

He let out a tired sigh, "Kaia please." he grabbed my hands and gently removed it from him.

"Go home and rest, you're still sick." he said before turning around walking away again from me.

Why can't we just talk it out like before? Why is he being like this?

I don't know what to do, so I just stood there, watching him walk away from me. I don't want to go home yet, so I sat at the field, crying to myself. I had no one to talk to right now... Xander was my only friend, but he wasn't talking to me.

Just then, someone suddenly texted me, it's as if the heaven is telling me, that I needed to talk to someone.

'Hey :) are you two okay already? if you're not doing anything, I'm free til the afternoon. I have a lot of vacant time today. - Jake'

Since I have nothing else to do than crying my eyes out, I replied to him that I'm free and that he should go and get me if he wanted to hangout, surprisingly, it only took him almost ten minutes to get here.

I met up with him in front of the school and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you really have vacant time or did you just skipped school?"

He gave me a smirk, "I'm hurt Kaia, do you really think of me that way? our professors had an urgent meeting, so they decided to suddenly cancel the class. I was about to go to the arcade when I decided to check if you're free."

I hummed in response, my energy is getting low again.

I guessed he noticed it and he touched my forehead. "You're burning up." he exclaimed and I removed his hand, "thanks captain obvious."

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