Chapter 13

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I blinked my eyes quickly at our close proximity, then I pushed him away blushing. "Oh shut Jake just drive, the greenlight is on." I said while looking out the window.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He said with a chuckle, "Jake... you know I like Xander."

He gave me a soft smile, "I already know that Kaia, but I'm here too... even just as a friend." I'm really thankful for him always, I don't want him to think that I'm using him as a rebound of Xander, so I always remind him that I only think of him as a close friend.

We arrived at a diner, and I grinned as I craved for some burgers and fries again, "so why did you decide to invite me to eat dinner with you?" I asked him as we sat down by the windows.

"I just had this weird feeling that you're in need of help, so I asked you out to save you." He joked and that earned him another slap from me.

"Okay, I felt kind of lonely today... I realized; I don't want to eat dinner alone on my birthday."

My eyes widened as he said that "oh my gosh Jake! Why are you telling me this just now? We could've celebrated earlier, I could've brought you a cake, we could've even eaten at a restaurant." I ranted to him.

I'm such a bad friend, I don't even know much about him.

He suddenly held my hand and gave me a soft smile, "well we still have the rest of the day and night to celebrate it. I'm fine even if we just eat here too."

I sighed in defeat, as we ordered food, I thought we can decide later on where we're going after we ate. So while we wait for our food, I was still guilty that I know little about him.

"Okay, how about a game of twenty questions? I want to know more about you." I proposed to him, "alright then, ask away." He said as he drank his water. "How old are you now?" I already know he's older than me since he's already in college, but I haven't got a clue on what year he is.

"I'm 19 and is currently on my second year of college, incase that's the next question." He gave me a cocky grin and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay smarty pants."

He let out a laugh at that, "my turn, what is your most favorite thing to do?"

"Well that was easy, I like writing stories or reading books and sometimes, just sitting at a park enjoying the wind." I said enthusiastically and he looked at me with fascination. "I bet that's boring for you, anyway next question... uh, what's your favorite color?"


His piercing eyes still gaze at me, "and that's not boring for me, those things you said I mean." He said seriously.

Our food came and we started eating, "okay, so what is your type in guys or your ideal guy?" that made me think, I haven't actually had a type.

Xander was the first guy I've ever liked and is still now...

"I don't actually have one... but I guess, someone who is kind, someone who is always there for me and someone who is understanding... for the looks... I don't really care about it except that he should be taller than me, that's it."

He seemed to take note of all the things I said, and I can't help but sigh, "so how many girlfriends have you had?" this one's bugging me, he looked like a player and an athlete means he is popular with girls.

He blushed at the mention of that, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't laugh at me, okay?" he said while taking a bite of his burger, "I only had one... before I went to college, we were steady and I was serious about her, but she got accepted at a different University. She didn't think long distance relationship would work on us, so she broke up with me. Since then, I haven't got a girlfriend. I flirted with some girls, but I haven't got serious to anyone..."

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