Chapter 5

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How did I end up in my story, again?! I just can't show up in her house with nothing like "Hey Cass! I'm back from my world and I don't how I ended up here." I sighed and saw a café, maybe I can buy food and give it to her as a thank you for what she'd done last time.

Maybe I can find some clues in her house as to why I ended up here again. Good job ol' me!

I went inside the café and gasped, oh how beautiful this café is! It's like those Korean cafes you see on kdramas. I went to look at the pastries and my mouth waters at the sight, there are a variety of pastries, ranging from breads to cakes. I didn't notice I was hungry till my stomach decided to growl.

I saw a beautiful woman walked towards me, "good afternoon, see anything you like?" she asked me softly and I looked back at the shelves of food, and I couldn't decide what to get, everything looks tasty. "I'm guessing you're new here?" she suddenly said.

I nodded and looked back at her, she's really beautiful, from her jet-black hair to her striking blue eyes. "People from around here always got their favorite pastries and it looks like you haven't tried any of these yet, so I'm guessing you're new here in the place."

"Actually, I'm visiting a friend from here." I explained while intertwining my hands shyly. Her eyes twinkled in delight, "great! So, you're buying for the both you!" I nodded again looking back at the pastries. I would love to get one of each, but sadly I don't have enough money to buy all of them.

"Can you suggest some?" she gladly said yes, and happily points at the blueberry cheesecakes. "That's one of our best sellers, you can also try our macarons and cinnamon rolls." I smiled, already knowing what to get after she said those.

She went to get the pastries I've chosen and went to the counter to ring it, she then handed me the box, and I sat at a table near the window first to eat my cheesecake with a coffee.

I let out a contented sigh, delicious as I predicted. I just hope I can bring this back when I wake up so I can share it to Xander, I'm sure he'll like it and would want to come here too. As I drank my coffee, I still don't know how I got here. Is this another dream? Did I walk inside a portal in my dream? What is the reason why I always come back here? I shook my head to get rid of these weird thoughts because my mind makes one question and another and I don't have any answers at all, it makes my head dizzy, so I just take a bite of my cake. I should just enjoy this moment with my cheesecake.

Oh my, it is so good!

But I didn't expect some firework explosion in my mouth. That only happens in stories, trust me, I know. How I wish I could go here every day so I could try all the tasty pastries.

Now that I think of it, it is a perfect place for me to write my stories, it's so quiet and the ambiance is nice. Plus, the lady who approached me looks nice, maybe we could be friends too. Sadly, I finished eating and went to leave to do whatever agenda I had to do, but not before saying goodbye to the kind lady whose name's Beatrice.

Fortunately, I still know where Cassiopeia lives and I was surprised as Alexander answers the door, "Uh hi?"

I tried hiding my laughter from his reaction, he probably thought I'm gone for good. "Hello, come in." He said unsurely but opens the door wide enough for me to come inside, and I saw Cass go down the stairs.

"Kaia?" she seemed surprised and confused too, so I showed them the box of food as a distraction. "Hello Cass! Pastries?" she gladly took it and I sat down on a chair.

"I just went to a café, I forgot the name of it, I don't know what you both like, good thing the kind lady told me that their Blueberry Cheesecake is good and trust me when I say it's really good. I have tried it a while ago before going here." Alexander offered me some tea he made, and I gladly accepted it, and I took a sip.

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