Chapter 11

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I quickly snapped back to my senses, "Uh... I'm sorry, I wasn't looking to where I was going." I apologized and she gave me a smile, "no worries, we're both fine anyways. I'm Allison by the way." She held out her hand for me to shake, I was about to say something when Xander arrived.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, and I don't know if he was pertaining to me or Allison, but I realized he was talking to her when he looked at her direction.

I had never been this hurt, for all those years I'm friends with him, I was the only one he was ever concerned about. Asking her like that in front of me really hurts big time.

"I'm alright, I just bumped into her. No worries, we're fine."

When she pointed at me, that's when Xander just noticed that I was there, and his eyes widened. "Hey... uh..." he stuttered as he doesn't know what to say to me.

"Nice meeting you Allison, but I think I better go." I said not looking back at him, I didn't wait for her response and just get out of there. That was an awkward situation... The gossips were true, the new girl was with Xander.

So, what is he now? The new student helper? Is she his new best friend now? Am I really that easy to replace?

I went to the comfort room and saw my reflection, I looked so pathetic.

He quickly found a new friend, while I'm still here, alone like I was years before I met him. He's popular so I wasn't really surprised about it. I checked out my watch to see that it's almost time for class, so I did a once over look at myself, before going to the classroom.

Xander was already there, and he stared at me the moment I entered the room, he wouldn't stop, so I was the one who broke off the growing staring contest.

Jake replied from my text.

'Sorry, woke up late and rushed to the Uni. Good to know you're okay now! Text me if you're going to eat lunch later okay :)'

That made me smile, he's so thoughtful. My smile vanished when I remembered someone was staring at me. I looked back at Xander and saw that his eyebrows are furrowed. He's probably curious why I was smiling.

I shrugged and ignored him again.

At lunch, I texted Jake and he invited me to eat lunch outside. I was almost at the gate when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going? It's still school period." Xander asked me and I removed his hold from my wrist. "I'm not going to cut class if that's what you're implying." He looked surprised at my cold tone.

"It's not... that's not what I meant." He mumbled and I gave him a smirk, "It's okay, I get it. But just to tell you, I was going to eat lunch outside with someone." He raised an eyebrow at me, he's clearly curious again on who I was going to eat with.


"You definitely know who I was talking about, so if you'll excuse me." I leave him there and I have never felt so satisfied.

I just realized I've been apologizing to him and wanting to fix our friendship, the two of us were at fault on this one, but why am I the only one who's trying. I'm done with his girly attitude, if he doesn't want us to be okay, it's alright for me to ignore him from now on.

I saw Jake waiting at his car and I went to him quickly with a grin.

"I see you are really okay now." He said and we went in his car, "what do you want to eat?" he asked me and here I thought he already have an idea where we'll eat.

"I'm craving for burgers right now." I said unsure if it was okay for him, but it seems like was unbothered by it.

"Burger King it is."

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