Chapter 6

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"You what?" he asked still confused, "This henna is from Cassiopeia, a character from my story, the one I'm currently writing." He grabbed my wrist and examined it closely.

"Are you sure you didn't draw this?" I glared at him, "I'm a writer not an artist, you know I can't draw even if my life depends on it."

He still didn't look convinced, so I continue eating. No matter how many times I tell him, he just won't believe it, but come to think of it, Cassiopeia and Xander were not a dream, they are true and alive, and this henna is a proof of it.

More questions started to form in my head and it's starting to give me headache.

"Kaia look, can we please take a break from that story?" he pleaded and all I can do is nod weakly. No use in making him believe me now, he's starting to get irritated.

My phone vibrated; it was from an unknown number.

Xander saw it and raised his eyebrow; I just shrugged and answered the call. Who would be calling me? "Hello?" I heard some voices in the background, "Hey Kaia?" I looked at Xander confused because I don't know who I was talking to.

"Uh... who's this?"

"It's me, Jake." Xander rolled his eyes as soon as he heard his name and goes back to eating his cereals.

"Hi Jake! What's up?"

"You're still interested in going here at the Uni?" I nodded excitedly, but then I remembered he can't see me.

"Yes!" he laughs at how eager I sounded while Xander looks bored while staring at me.

"Okay, so can we meet at the bus stop by 3?" he told me the other details, I agreed and hanged up. "You continue eating, I'll just take a bath." I said while going upstairs, I picked a white pants, black top, and a blue cardigan. I let my curly auburn hair down and put minimal makeup.

I went down and saw Xander already waiting, he looked me up and down, "are we going to the Uni or to some party?" I smacked his arm playfully, but I didn't say anything. He flinched at it, pouting at my direction "Sheesh, I was just asking." He muttered.

When we're at the bus stop, Jake and his friends were already there. "Hey!" I greeted them, "Oh hey! This is my friends, Aaron and Zach." Both guys waved at me, "Hey I'm Kaia, and this is my best friend Xander" I pointed to Xander who just nod to them.

We sat at the very back of the bus so we can sit beside each other.

"So, how's your story so far?" Jake started, "Well I'm halfway through it." I said kindly and looks at Xander who is looking outside the window not listening to us. "Can you tell me the story?" So, I told him how the story goes, I'm surprised he listened all throughout of it, "So will Cassiopeia die?" he asked curiously, and I looked at the window and noticed that we're almost there.

"I have to, or the purpose of the story will get ruined, and I'll get disqualified in the contest."

We've arrived at the Uni and let me tell you, it's huge! I resisted the urge to squeal in front of Jake and his friends, so I just smiled brightly and looked at Xander.

"This is it Xander, my dream!" I whispered sharing the moment for just the two of us. He looked at me softly, "I can't wait to see you study here." He holds my hand that made my heart race, hopefully we can both study here.

I turned to Jake as they waited for us while we appreciate the surroundings, "Jake? Can I go see first where the contest is being held?" he nodded and lead us straight to the library.

When we're inside, again I was in awe. It was not just a normal library you can see in schools. The architectural design of it was splendid. The shelves formed like stairs so you can sit down on it. I must add there are thousands of books to read.

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