Chapter 7

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We arrived at home, and he decided to have dinner here at my house. I stared at him as we eat our food quietly and I'm starting to go insane.

We never eat quietly, as in never.

"Can you please talk to me? I'm starting to go crazy here." I said giving him a sad face.

He stopped eating then sighed, "okay" was all he said and continued eating. I've waited for a few minutes, but he's still not talking.

"Hey! I'm sorry about awhile ago." I whined at him and gave him my cutest puppy eyes, hoping he couldn't resist it.

"You shouldn't have accepted his invitation." He said flicking me on the forehead.

"But I wanted to go see what's in there, besides, if we didn't come, I wouldn't know about that email." I said and glared at him as I remembered it again.

We put the dishes on the sink, and go upstairs. He started to turn on the TV and went to grab some Cd's.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

I gave him a look and he made a 'tsk' sound "Coraline it is" he muttered and put it in.

I sat down beside him, smiling in glee. "So... why did you get angry? Besides the fact that Zach got you in a sort of accident. Are you that bored? Did you regret coming?" I started to open up the topic that I knew I should have just dropped.

He ignored what I said and silently watches the movie.

"Will you please talk to me?" I asked getting angry all of a sudden.

Still no response.

I let out a growl of frustration, and sat on my bed far away from him.

If he'll give me the silent treatment, so was I. Two can play at this game.

We watched the movie in silence, and when it was done, he began to gather his things. "So what, you'll just leave? Can you please stop acting so immature?" I yelled already getting pissed at him.

He glared at me and I was taken aback. He never did that to me, I saw him get angry at me, but not like this.

"Oh, so I'm acting immature now?" He gritted out and I held my stance.

"I don't know what the heck is your problem." I said firmly but careful, he laughed sarcastically. He combed his hair with his hand and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Did you even realized you didn't talk to me all day? All I heard was Jake this and Jake that, all you did was talk to him. At lunch, I fought with him because of you, I'm your best friend Kaia, I should've paid for your lunch, and I shouldn't have fought with him."

"Lastly, at the field, I clearly didn't want to play with them, a hug? Really? Jake and his friends clearly made fun of me, making me trip and acting so innocent after, what a bunch of jerks!" He ranted.

I stared at him in disbelief, is he jealous?

"So now, it's all my fault? You're angry because of that? Who's been busy playing with his phone ever since we got there? I tried including you in our conversations, but you're glued to your phone. Not even looking at me once. And at lunch, I don't want anyone paying for my food. I didn't asked you for that. I don't know what's the problem with you two, you're always competing with each other. That bet on the field? I didn't even agreed to that, not when you two talked like I'm some trophy you want to win. Don't you dare bring up Aaron and Zach, it was an accident Xander, sure you encounter those in your football games. So stop getting angry for something that was clearly an accident."

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