Chapter 15

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When he got settled beside Allison and everyone got food, she turned back to me. "So, who is this guy?" I looked at Xander nervously and he raised an eyebrow at me.

Clearly, he heard everything I said.

"Uh, no he's not from here, you don't know him anyway." I said drinking the strawberry milk he bought me.

It was very nostalgic for me, as he always bought me this during lunch time. I don't even drink this before he started giving it to me, but I've grown to love it.

"Are you okay with only that?" Allison asked, pointing at my drink, "yep, it's my favorite. I told you, I already ate at the bleachers a while ago." She nodded and gave Xander a pat on his shoulder, "wow, you got her favorite drink right."

Xander and I looked at each other and I rolled my eyes at him, "he must have seen me drink it a million times. In this school, everyone knows everybody." I reasoned out.

I know he's going to say that he's the guy I was talking about, but I don't want Allison to know about us. He started it and I want to continue it till the end. We only have this year before leaving to college, it wouldn't hurt if she didn't know about us, we'll just continue to act like we're not close and it's fine by me.

Lunch ended and we head back to the room.

The following days went by quickly and the next thing I know, it's already the weekend. I told Allison I'd pick her up since I already know the way to Xander's house so he wouldn't have to pick us up.

I saw her waiting at a store, so I head inside. "Hey! I already bought donuts and coffee." She said and I helped her with the food before we head to his house. I felt sad when were waiting outside their door, I always go here to hangout with him whenever I felt bored in my house.

Her mom would always make us cookies and milk.

Xander opened the door and I let Allison walked in first. We were greeted by his mom, "oh my, this must be Allison, such a pretty girl." She said in delight, and I felt uncomfortable.

I looked down on my shoes, Xander must have told his mom about her already. The bitterness fades away when his mom saw me, "oh my baby! I miss you so much Kaia, why did you stopped visiting me?" she asked hugging me tightly.

I sighed in content in her arm, this feels right.

I looked at Xander and saw that he's looking at us tenderly. I do feel guilty because ever since I started writing my story, I haven't got a time to visit their house, much more when we fought.

"I'm sorry, things just get busier." I said when we broke the hug.

He pushed Allison and I upstairs to his room, when we entered, I looked around and noticed that nothing has changed in his room. Allison sat on his bed making herself comfortable and Xander opened his laptop.

My eyes stopped at the frame on top of his desk, it was our photo together during Christmas 5 years ago. I quickly put it down as I don't want Allison to see it.

Xander saw what I did, and his eyebrows furrowed.

He was about to ask about it when I sat down the chair in his desk, "okay, let's start talking about the project." I said quickly.

He didn't say anything, he let out a sigh in defeat. He and I started giving out ideas to Allison for the presentation and she did everything we said quickly. I also started writing my script to prepare, I looked at Allison and gave her a grim look.

"You have to talk too, the teacher wanted everyone to explain. I'm sorry we don't have a choice." She pursed her lips and nodded.

"It's okay, I think I can do it... but only if I have a script with me."

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