Chapter 3

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Alexander paid for their crepes and was about to go back to where Cassiopeia was, when he saw her fall. There are a few things that scares him, and one of them is seeing Cassiopeia unconscious. He dropped the food as he run towards her, his heart beating loudly with every step he takes.

As soon as he had gone to her, some people have already gathered around them. "Cass... Cassiopeia. Love! Wake up!" he pats her face softly hoping she would just wake up. Someone walked towards them and started checking on Cass. When the woman started checking for her pulse, Alexander pulls her away from the stranger.

"I'm a nurse don't worry. How about we take her somewhere less crowded where she can lie down." He didn't know if he should follow her orders, but Alexander lead her to Cass's house and lay her on the bed who's still unconscious. The woman checked her body to see what's wrong with her. "Is she sick?" the nurse asked without looking at him as she continued to check up on her.

"Yea" Alexander trailed off not really trusting her, she could be a murderer.

"May I know her illness?" he contemplated whether to trust her or not, as he didn't answer, the woman stopped what she's doing and looked at him straight in the eyes. "I'm here to help your... girlfriend, okay? So, if you want her to wake up, you need to cooperate with me. Now, may I ask again what's her illness?" the nurse said getting a little irritated. She doesn't even know what's gotten into her for helping them, maybe this could be a trap to lure her and steal.

He raised an eyebrow at her attitude, "How will I know you're not some crazy murderer or what." She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, getting pissed at him for treating her like this.

"My name is Jane, and I'm a nurse at the community hospital, and if I am a murderer, like what you've said, I should have killed you the moment you've welcomed me in this house. Do you want my help or not? cause I'm a very busy person, I don't have all day for this."

Alexander huffed giving up, "She has a heart cancer"

She seemed to stop for a second and looked at him, "Why are you telling me this just now?" He pretended he didn't hear her and looked at Cass's sleeping form. He didn't know what will happen to her, "is she going to be okay?"

"When was the last time she took her medicine?" he didn't know the answer to that but it's definitely not this morning. "Uh... last night?" Jane made a 'tsk' sound and checked on her pulse. She faced Alexander and let out a tired sigh.

"She was supposed to take her medicine awhile ago. I think, since she was exhausted at the park, her heart couldn't take that exhaustion and she collapsed. Alexander nodded in understanding, "she's going to be alright don't you worry." Jane said with a soft smile. Alexander looked at Cass hoping for her to wake up.

"I don't want to lose her just yet..." he whispered close to tears as he caresses her face, "well I'm sure she's a strong girl and she'll make it through. Anyway, she's fine now." Alexander began to take some money on his wallet, but Jane stopped him.

"You don't have to pay me; I only did my job." She said softly, and he looked at her in surprise. He didn't understand why'd she won't take the money, Jane noticed his confusion and laugh quietly.

"I didn't do anything silly! I just checked up on her if there's something wrong." He was taken aback at that; how could she not accept it? He was rude and been giving her a hard time awhile ago. He still tried handing her the money, but it was no use.

Jane left after that, and he sat down beside Cass's bed. She did it again, scaring him like that. How many times did that happened? And those times felt like torture to him. "Please stop scaring me like that." He whispered...

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