(3) Are You Okay?

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When Jax came in with the food for supper, he kissed her temple. 

"Hey love, you feelin better?" Jax said 

"Yeah a little." She said as she joined him in the kitchen.

They ate some Thai food, but half way through the meal she bolted to the bathroom. She puked again, Jax brought her a water. 

"Are you okay?" He said 

"Yeah, I know what's wrong. I'm pregnant Jax I was going to tell you after dinner I made a cake for us to celebrate. We are finally having a baby." She said 

He kissed her, "We are having baby." He said with a smile.


Two weeks later with Jax by her side she sat in an exam room. Dr Tia Marcum came in she started with a initial exam. She hits the light so she could do a ultrasound. 

"There's the heartbeat, and this is your sac. You are roughly ten weeks pregnant." She said 

They watched the screen with such glee, Malani was so excited and thought life couldn't be more perfect.

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