(26) NY Best Seller

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Six Months Later,

Malani's second book that she released in her first series became a NY Best Seller, and was listed in the top 10 list. She had returned to NY after her second book tour, when she returned home. She had a text to drive out to her in laws. 

When she walked in, everyone yelled "Surprise" and a little voice say "Surprise mama" as JJ threw confetti in the air. 

"Congrats baby" Bucky said as he came over with champagne and kissed her. 

"You didn't have to do this." She said 

"Oh yes we did. We did the same when James' company hit the big time." Winnie said 

"Yes, but atleast we have less confetti. Unlike that time when you let all my nieces and nephews throw it." Bucky said 

"Mama mama! I miss you." JJ said as he squeezed in between Bucky's legs. 

She picked him up, "I missed you too. And daddy." She said as she went to join the others. 

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