(27) New Chapters!

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Three months later, 

Bucky and Malani moved out of his penthouse, and into brownstone in Brooklyn. They were ready to expand their family again. But they had no more room for a second baby at the penthouse. 

The guys helped them get moved into their new place, while Natasha and Bobbi helped Malani design it. 

A few weeks after they moved as she started on the third book, she felt off. The more the day went on she felt weird. She couldn't figure out, Bucky came home from work with dinner to find her and JJ asleep for his afternoon nap in his bed. 

"Mal baby.." he whispered 

She jumped awake, "What time is it?" She whispered

"430, now I know why you weren't answering." He whispered as he helped her up. 

They went downstairs, "Baby, I think you need to take this.." he said as he handed her a test

 "Why?" She said 

"Because you fell asleep with him two days in a row now. And when we went to moms last weekend you damn near threw up from all the food smells." He said 

She went upstairs, and took the test. "Its a good thing we moved when we did." She said when he joined her. 

"Baby #2 is on the way." He said as he placed his hand on her stomach. 

"I love you " she said as she kissed him. 

"Love you baby." He said 

They went to their first appointment two weeks later. 

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